Category Archives: Characteristics

Joe Biden: Leadership, Competence, & Character

By | January 21, 2021

[January 21, 2021]  Yesterday, Joe Biden took the oath of office of the President of the United States. With it, he promised to unite a nation divided, support the Constitution, and restore American core values.  As well, he describes himself as a political moderate. Leadership: Those who occupy positions of great authority in government have an inherent responsibility… Read More »

Who was Henry Benning?

By | June 28, 2020

[June 28, 2020]  I’ve been to the U.S. Army Fort Benning, Georgia, many times, receiving training, giving lectures and speeches, and attending a variety of schools.  Like many Infantry officers before me, I gave no thought to who the fort was named after or why.  But who was Henry Benning?1  Henry Benning, the fort’s namesake, was a Brigadier… Read More »

The Organizer of Victory!

[May 23, 2020]  Over the next few months, I will be dedicating space in my blog to discuss the leadership characteristics of George C. Marshall.  After George Washington, Marshall is considered the “most respected soldier in American history.”1  Yet, he never commanded troops in battle, the customary path to greatness for a military leader.  So what was it… Read More »