[January 10, 2014] Today I will be highlighting the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to discuss senior leadership values.
I’ve been a member of the VFW since the 1991. I have found them to be aggressively helpful to all military veterans in America and work hard to encourage our political leaders to do the right thing by our vets. It is an excellent and successful organization.
The VFW has shared their core values on their website at http://www.vfw.org/Common/About-Us/
VFW Core Values:
- Always put the interests of our members first
- Treat donors as partners in our cause
- Promote patriotism
- Honor military service
- Ensure the care of veterans and their families
- Serve our communities
- Promote a positive image of the VFW
- Respect the diversity of veteran opinions
It is the mission of the VFW to foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts; to serve our veterans, the military, and our communities; and to advocate on behalf of all veterans.
Organizations like the VFW that share their values, makes it far easier for its members. A self-selection process goes on with members joining because they themselves know what to expect.
NOTE: A good article in this month’s VFW Magazine entitled (January 2014, Vol 101, No. 4), “Looking Back: VFW Milestones,” speaks to the major events in the VFW’s history.