COVID-19 Rescue Fraud

By | July 25, 2024

[July 25, 2024]  In 2021, the White House announced the creation of the American Rescue Plan as President Biden’s $1.9 Trillion plan to “provide direct relief to Americans, contain COVID-19, and rescue the economy.”1  What could possibly go wrong?  Fraud.  Fraud on a scale not seen in America in a long time.  If you don’t think this affects you, you will be wrong.

There are many reasons for the failure of this 2021 Act to accomplish what we were sold.  I won’t go into all those reasons here, but I will present some of the prosecutions of those caught red-handed in Minnesota’s Feeding Our Future.  Scott Johnson was one of those who helped push this into the public eye.  Good for him.  This legal case strikes at the core of our American Values.

“There are a number of things American’s dislike.  They hate corruption, abuse of women and children, slavery, and a large array of criminal behavior.  People who take undue advantage of another, jealousy, spite, lying, and cheating are just a few other behaviors they have a particular distaste.  Yet, Americans recognize their own problems but don’t like their noses rubbed in it as such an act would be considered disrespectful.” – Doug Satterfield, American Core Values (Part 3), 27 January 2023 [emphasis added]2

The “Minnesota’s Feeding Our Future” case is one of the largest, if not the largest, Covid fraud cases uncovered.  Who are the defendants?  Nearly all are Somali.  That says much about Somali culture and its lack of integration into America.  Altogether, there are 70 defendants charged; the ringleader was Aimee Bock, a white woman who “played the race card.”  The corruption runs deep in Minnesota.

The defendants know full well how to exploit the victimhood subculture common in so many groups in America.

“[O]n April 22, 2024, seven defendants went to trial before U.S. District Judge Nancy E. Brasel for their roles in the Feeding Our Future fraud scheme.  During the trial, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, 23, and four others conspired with each other to provide a cash bribe to one of the jurors in exchange for the juror returning a not guilty verdict in the trial.

As part of the scheme, Nur and his co-defendants decided to target Juror 52 because she was the youngest member of the jury and they the only juror ‘of color.’”3

During the trial, an attempt was made to bribe a juror to bring in an innocent verdict.  The price was $120,000 upfront, with the remainder of $200,000 for the not guilty.  The bag of cash included a written pitch the bribers had worked up for the Juror.  The note can be found here.  I highly recommend reading it in full because it gives a good idea of the victim culture being perpetrated here and how the media and politicians use that culture.

There are so many twists and turns; in this case, it is hard to keep track.  Stay tuned to Scott Johnson for updates.

This COVID-19 fraud case is just the tip of the iceberg.  There will be many more cases of fraud, all taxpayer money spent irresponsibly.  And each of us personally are paying the price for government recklessly overspending.


  1. NOTE: The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package or American Rescue Plan, is a US$1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 117th United States Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021, to speed up the country’s recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and recession. Source: American Rescue Plan, Inside Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Stimulus, retrieved 24 July 2024.
  2. See also “A Relook at American Core Values”
  3. USAOMN Press Packet 6.26.24


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

15 thoughts on “COVID-19 Rescue Fraud

  1. ijore

    Everyone I know said this would be a disaster. When the govt throws money at a problem, fraud always follows. Here we are. Now we are paying the price.

    1. Frontier Man

      How can our politicians be so DUMB? Oh yeah, I forgot, they are dumb. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

  2. mainer

    Also, let’s not overlook the bribery angle on this case.

  3. Bernie

    Minnesota’s Feeding Our Future case represents the single biggest Covid fraud uncovered so far. When it comes to Covid fraud, we’re number 1. The case features a cast of “diverse” defendants without much diversity. They are almost all Somali, I am sorry to say, though the ringleader was Aimee Bock, a white woman who played the race card as necessary.
    Says alot about the Somali culture and what it is and is not. I hope that Trump after he is elected investigates them for illegal aliens and deports the vast majority of them.

    1. Doc Blackshear

      Scott Johnson of Powerlineblog is darn good at seeing what needs seeing.

      1. Eye Cat

        And that is why they influence Gen. Satterfield and he quotes Scott Johnson so often. But all of us, all we have to do is read and listen to multiple sources for out information to find out what is really going on. The legacy media is NOT to be trusted. And everyone knows it. The legacy media exists for entertainment purposes only.

  4. Harry Donner

    Gen. Satterfield concludes his article today with this note. “This COVID-19 fraud case is just the tip of the iceberg. There will be many more cases of fraud, all taxpayer money spent irresponsibly. And each of us personally are paying the price for government recklessly overspending.” He is right, we are all paying a high price for this debacle. And our politicians in Washington DC are back-slapping each other over the “success” of this travesty of legislation.

    1. KenFBrown

      … and our children and their children will be paying for it.

  5. Forrest Gump

    This sucks! We the people keep getting screwed. 😢 And we are the dummies.

    1. Willie Strumburger

      To continue to let this happen, yes. The problem now that the government under braindead Biden dumps a trillion plus dollars into the economy and the fraud is so common and so massive that it is impossible to go after them all. So the FBI and DOJ just go after the big thieves, like this case in Minnesota. The Somolia community is another issue completely. When you get a group of illegal aliens, all from a culture that is debased in every way and them set them up in a system built on trust, they will screw you over in a heart beat. The Somolia community is a place no real America would want to be. Good job for those who were doing this investigation and bringing a few to justice. Hmmmm, smells bad over there. And they call me racist. Now, that is rich. Calling out the facts now is racist.

      1. Valkerie

        SHAMEFUL, what else is there to say and what does this do for the Somalia neighborhoods in Minnesota? Gen. Satterfield has done us a favor by addressing the issue here. The subject is not exciting but boring but still necessary to be discussed. I have zero confidence in the FBI or DOJ. Others might, but I don’t. The perpetrators here will skate. A few will go to jail but they are just tokens of the left and nobody will care. That is the point. Nobody will care.

  6. Doug Smith

    Government spends our tax dollars to help a few folks and then moves on as we are stuck with the bill. In this case we really paid a hefty price and I blame both Republican and Democrats for this debacle. And now we see that FRAUD is the outcome and maybe that is what they hoped would occur.


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