Cowboys and Indians: a Boy’s Game of Choice

By | January 9, 2024

[January 9, 2024]  My brother Philip and I were a disagreeable duo, always creating chaos in the family household.  Our mom would send us outside when things started to get out of hand.  Our favorite game to play was Cowboys and Indians.  Neighborhood friends would all get dressed up in our cowboy outfits, including a cowboy hat, boots, and toy six-shooter.  In the thumbnail, you can see my brother in his outfit.

It was a game of choice.  And we enjoyed it.  No one I know was ever an “Indian” because, well, because Indians were “savages,” and no one wanted to be one.  So we had make-believe Indians with whom we would have a shoot-out and always win the gun battle.  It was our game, so we always won.  And we played it at school too.

Today, school teachers will punish a kid who wants to play Cowboys and Indians because that is somehow violence against a culture.  And if you play the game, you are a racist, at least by definition.  In most schools, a young kid could be expelled due to the zero tolerance on guns, and that means toy guns or even putting your hand in the shape of a gun.  This is stranger than fiction, but that is just another fact in the saga of our failing formal school systems.

One positive outcome of playing the game was we were getting into great physical shape.  We literally ran all over town in our posse, “chasing” after a band of make-believe Indians.  None of us were ever hurt.  But we did practice some common-sense principles, like not doing anything stupid.  That is a good rule in life.  RULE 27: Don’t do stupid.  You can read about it in my book, “55 Rules for a Good Life.”

Sadly, kids today don’t play Cowboys and Indians, but kids aren’t stupid.  Those who play outside play Cowboys and Aliens, Ghost in the Graveyard, or Monkey in the Middle (probably banned because of the word “monkey’).

Wokeness is a virus that is destroying kids’ games.  I still like the idea of Cowboys and Indians.  There is nothing like it.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

27 thoughts on “Cowboys and Indians: a Boy’s Game of Choice

  1. Georgie B.

    I can just imagine the progressives going nuts over this article because they are “triggered” by anything that runs counter to their progressive ideology. Sir, you will be a pariah for your words. BTW, my kids play Cowboys and Indians to this day and they are 14, 11, and 8.

  2. Nick Lighthouse

    This brings back a lot of good memories. Thanks Gen. Satterfield.

  3. Bryan Z. Lee

    🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠 Hee Hi 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠
    I played Cowboys and Indians in the 1970s, much to the consternation of my teachers who were starting on the path of “be careful, you might hurt yourself.” This idea has evolved into trying to stop being “evil” toward Indians. Well that didn’t sit very well with me and my friends, so we just ignored them.

  4. Eddie Gilliam

    Great job my friend. Cowboys and Indian was my game of choice as a little boy. We played for hours.. The kids were more active back in my childhood. We were better fix because of that. Now days kids are obsessed due to no mandatory physical education in school and don’t want to go outside to play at home. Kids sit in front of the TV and cell phone playing games nowadays.

    1. Stacey Borden

      Eddie, yep! Good comment. I think none of us were made into some evil capitalist for playing games like Cowboys and Indians when we were kids. Most of the outdoor games for kids today (and there are very few) are wimpy, boring, and insulting to the kids.

  5. HAL

    Gen. Satterfield, beware that the FBI is coming to get you for upsetting the feminist narrative. /sarc off

    1. Plato

      🤣🤣 HAL you are all over it. 🤣🤣 However, I don’t think in any way that Gen. Satterfield is scared of the FBI or of any government agency that panders to the woke crowd. 🤣🤣 This is why I love this anti-woke site and because he makes fun of them over and over, and then they get mad … ha ha ha ha 🤣🤣 Gen. Satterfield, please keep this kind of articles on your site and don’t ever ever ever give in to them! Thank you, sir for your service. 🤣🤣p

  6. Lizzy from Utah

    You just can’t beat an article first thing in the morning from Gen. Satterfield. Love this leadership website that is sometimes devoted to exposing Wokism and the plain stupidity of our culture. We are spiraling down because of the privilege of so many stupid university educated morons. Mostly women who are without husbands to keep them in line.

  7. Mr. T.J. Asper

    As a teacher in High School for over 20 years now, I can attest personally to the abject failure of our government run school systems. Colleges are worse, if that is hard to believe, then believe it.
    “Today, school teachers will punish a kid who wants to play Cowboys and Indians because that is somehow violence against a culture. And if you play the game, you are a racist, at least by definition. In most schools, a young kid could be expelled due to the zero tolerance on guns, and that means toy guns or even putting your hand in the shape of a gun. This is stranger than fiction, but that is just another fact in the saga of our failing formal school systems.” – Gen. Satterfield is once again on target.

    1. Statin Man

      Sad but true. Today the teachers are more interested in what you identify as. A cat (popular with young girls) or an Action Figure from the movies (boys). I don’t know if the kids are mocking their teachers or they are just full of the bs that comes from teachers today. The biggest guilty teachers are white, young, single, liberal/progressive, fat, and stupid.

      1. Marx and Groucho

        Great comments. And just a side note, that I get an education here as well, sometimes, a big laugh.

    1. Georgie B.

      He He He He….. you got that right North. Thanks. Beat me to it. BTW, love the eyeballs. 👀

  8. Good Dog

    Gen. Satterfield, you just never disappoint. Growing up with my friends, we were always playing Cowboys and Indians. In my group we elected the Indians. Ha Ha. Then we switched out. Democracy, ya know. Always had fun and that was the main point.

  9. KenFBrown

    One positive outcome of playing the game was we were getting into great physical shape. We literally ran all over town in our posse, “chasing” after a band of make-believe Indians. None of us were ever hurt. But we did practice some common-sense principles, like not doing anything stupid. That is a good rule in life. RULE 27: Don’t do stupid. You can read about it in my book, “55 Rules for a Good Life.” — Gen. Doug Satterfield …. going for the wokesters with this comment.

    1. Tom Bushmaster

      Yeah, but like Gen. Satterfield says, “Going after wokesters is like shooting fish in a barrel.”

    2. False Idols

      The headline is a TRIGGER for the Gen Z pajama-wearing, pink-dyed shirt, communists that live in he/she/zer/wham’s mommy’s basement.

        1. Pooch T.

          Yeah, and if you want to read more about this and about how Gen. Satterfield knows living the good life, then just read his books. Yep, all of them. But if you want to really dig into them, then read his books “55 Rules for a Good Life” and learn from the MASTER. Thanks all and Happy New Year (I know I’m later writing it but better late than never). 😀


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