Dept of Edewkation: Michael Ramirez

By | March 17, 2025

[March 17, 2025]  Michael Ramirez is a great political cartoonist and a favorite of mine for many years. In his newsletter yesterday (behind a paywall), he depicts the U.S. Department of Education symbolized as a school bus crashing into a tree of failing grades.

Dept of Edewkation: Michael Ramirez

“The US education system gets failing grades.” — Michael Ramirez

Most folks with kids in public school can see for themselves the results of Woke teachers and administrators prioritizing pronouns and gender dysphoria over the basics of reading, writing, and mathematics. The situation is dire.  America has some of the worst-educated students in the West, and yet, we are paying the highest cost. This is a bad deal for taxpayers.

President Donald Trump has made his intent clear. He plans to eliminate the Department of Education, which would be the federal department, leaving state departments intact.

Is a dismantling possible? Yes. But Mr. Trump would need congressional approval to eliminate the department.  The Education Department, as it exists today, dates back to 1979, when Congress passed a law establishing it.

Trump campaigned to eliminate the Department of Education, which Republicans have long accused of holding too much power over local and state education policy. Trump told reporters last month that he hopes Lisa McMahon, the department’s secretary, eventually puts herself “out of a job.”

What would eliminating the U.S. Department of Education do to improve education in America?  In Trump’s thinking, the department has provided nothing of value for kids. Some would argue that many schools do more harm than good by passing along students who cannot read or write.

Is Trump right to remove an ineffective and overly bloated education department? There are numerous explanations that this could be true. In conjunction with other reforms currently underway, like removing DEI policies, there will certainly be an uptick in quality education.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

11 thoughts on “Dept of Edewkation: Michael Ramirez

  1. Tomas Clooney

    Great cartoonist. Not because he is a Republican but because he’s right.

  2. Bill Sanders, Jr.

    This is what I like to read on this leadership website. Whenever we can use humor as a tool, we all can stand taller because we did not stoop,to the level of Democrats.

    1. Big Al

      Bill, we can’t afford to get complacent. It will take time but they will eventually find their footing, someone will come out of the woodwork to lead them to a better stance and improve values and policies. Their values will change — guaranteed. Why, because they morph at anything that causes them hiccup. Elon Musk and Donald Trump are getting the swamp out. Good. The Democrats are now using violence and calling for more weaponized legal attacks. Keep going Musk and Trump, we all love you.

        1. Doc Jeff

          We need on be on guard at all times. Democrats can never be trusted. They lie constantly. They’d mislead their mother if it got them a vote or more power.

      1. Willie Strumburger

        Good one >>> we need more draining the swamp efforts by trump. Faster and faster.

  3. Anya

    Sir, excellent!!!!! President Trump is cleaning up the swamp. And doing it just like he promised. I guess the wokesters didn’t get the message and so now they’re going nuts with their rage and threatening violence. Typical cussing, shameless Democrats.

  4. DeWayne_Bakerfield

    Dept of Edewkation: Michael Ramirez
    Even my auto checker had a hard time with this but wonderful smack down on the Democrat Party, and one they richly deserve.

  5. Laughing Monkey

    Gen. Satterfield, satire and political cartoons, if done right, can be one of the most powerful of ways to hit your enemy. It’s an in-your-face method that’s not literally in-your-face. That’s what is so cool about these. The more we hit hard at the crazies like Pelosi and Schumer, the better. They’ve been caught with their hands in the cookie jar, sucking money from taxpayers, laundered thru NGOs, to fund their political campaigns and other radical activities. No wonder they have no leader.


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