Donald Trump Working at McDonald’s

By | October 23, 2024

[October 23, 2024]  There’s an old piece of advice that military leaders learn to help them be better at what they do. The advice is “be there.”  When people see their leaders, they are more motivated, have higher morale, are happier, and get things done faster and at a higher standard. Donald Trump working part of a shift at McDonald’s does just that.

By “working” at McDonald’s this past Sunday, he confirms this advice. Doing so was a master stroke.  Politically, all the nation’s eyes were on him. He controlled the narrative, got people talking about him (both good and bad), and showed he was a man of the people. That was brilliant.

Trump also took the opportunity to troll his opponent, Kamala Harris.

“Now I have worked at McDonald’s. I’ve now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala, she never worked here,” Trump told reporters on Sunday, according to our Joseph Simonsin, who was tagging along with the former president.” – Washington Free Beacon

The New York Times, as predicted, covered for Kamala’s lie. The claim that Trump’s latest allegation that Kamala never worked at McDonald’s appears to be false. Of course, Kamala’s campaign now claims she only worked a summer “to earn a bit more spending money.”

My guess is that Kamala did actually work at McDonald’s, but worked only a few days and quit. This would be an embarrassment for her because it highlights her poor work ethic and elitism. This is why she is now distancing herself from the story.

A few people noted that Trump kept his red tie on for his work shift. He didn’t dress down. He takes everyone as they are and his tie does not get in the way. That is Trump’s appeal to the average person.

Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

20 thoughts on “Donald Trump Working at McDonald’s

  1. American Girl 🇺🇸

    Ed Rollins, who ran Reagan’s juggernaut in ’84, thinks Trump has a shot at a landslide victory because the polls show his lead is based on his winning the policy arguments, including on the border, the economy and foreign policy. “You see the momentum building,” Rollins said recently to a NY Post columnist. “And you get the feeling Democrats know it because of all the bitching and moaning they’re doing.” Yeah, real loud “bitching!”

      1. Mr. John

        Yes, and this election is happening when our nation is more divided than it’s been in a long log time. The divisions have been around a few decades but manifested itself under an incompetent president, slow-Joe Biden. He hid away from the American people and allowed these divisions to fester, and the few times he spoke, he made things worse for us all. Joe Biden will surely go down as the worst president in American history. The only one who might be worse is Kamala, if she is elected.

    1. Leslie Dunwoody

      We can only hope this is reality. A Kamala presidency will be an unmitigated nightmare.

  2. Janna Faulkner

    Donald Trump will make a great president again because he is a good Christian. 🙏
    Kamala Harris will destroy us. You know it when she tells a man to get out of her rally who said “God is King.” 🤬 you don’t belong here, she says.

  3. Ed Berkmeister

    Below in this leadership forum you will see that Anya recommends “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” and this is indeed a good time to remind folks that the main character we want in a President is LEADERSHIP.
    “Leadership is the ability to get people to do things they would not ordinarily do.”
    “Great leadership is getting them to do it because they want to.”
    Top quotes by our Gen. Satterfield and spot on. Donald Trump gets people to do good things because they want to.

    1. Otto Z. Zuckermann

      Ed, thanks for bringing this up. And Gen. Satterfield’s blog post is timely. Donald Trump’s time at McDonald’s was a brilliant stroke of campaigning. As well, he ‘triggered’ all the radical leftists and they know it. That’s why they reacted so poisonously. You have to be stupid to be a Leftist.

      1. Martin Shiell

        😂😂😂😂😂 “…and they know it.” 😂😂😂😂😂

      2. Eye on America

        The radical leftists are mentally ill. There is no other explanation. Go to one of their rallies and just walk around and talk to them. They are nasty, dirty, and foul-mouthed. And this is how they are to those they believe are their allies. Imagine wearing a Trump t-shirt to one of their events. Democrats attract the dregs of our society. The good people, those who obey the law, work, raise a family, help others, and pay their taxes, will NEVER be found at a Democrat Party event.

  4. Fred Weber

    Like him or hate him, you have to admit that Donald Trump is a great leader.

  5. Army Captain

    Donald Trump understands what leadership is about. Gen. Satterfield calls this “being there.” And he’s right. Absent leaders – like Joe Biden hiding in his basement – are not real leaders. Those out-of-sight leaders are more like Kings who don’t have to show the fundamentals of leadership because they are anointed (much like Kamala Harris). And this is the flaw if the Democrat Party.

    1. JT Patterson

      Army Captain, you are on target with this comment. The Democrat Party is circling the drain and they candy see it because of their extreme narcissistic behavior.

    2. Beautiful Flower

      Well said, army CPT. I’m happy that I finally found a website dedicated to leadership that is free.

      1. Anya

        Army Capt is well versed in leadership as proven by his success in leading men in combat, just like Gen. Satterfield. Speaking of leadership, it would be valuable for you to read Gen. S’s book “Our Longest Year in Iraq.” Which can be found on Amazon. The book, which is inexpensive will show you in the form of stories what actual leadership looks like. The book is an easy read and written for the average person. It’s not full of military jargon or acronyms. You will enjoy it because it is about what the war in Iraq was about, those very things that the media decided to hide from us because of their bias. Get your copy now. Here is the link:

    1. Randy Goodman

      We love Trump. ❤️
      We despise Kamala but pray that she finds God. 🙏
      Gen. Satterfield, great and timely blog post. More is okay. 👍
      Don’t forget to get out and vote. Vote Republican all the way down ticket. ✍️


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