Feminization of the Army by Army Vet

By | November 26, 2016

[November 26, 2016]  Army Vet reflects today on the FEMINIZATION of the ARMY.

Yep, it’s true!  The world-renowned, war-winning U.S. Army is going the way of the extinct dodo bird and probably for the same reason; they were too slow, inflexible, fragile, and kinda dumb.  The U.S. Army might have survived such a decline with good senior officer leadership and a solid Non-Commissioned Officer Corps (NCOs) but Political Correctness, the White House since Bill Clinton, and the Feminist Movement did their dirty work and the Army is becoming a shell of its former self.  The Army can’t fight … at least not fight like it used to in its history.

Just look at today’s crybaby recruits they’re bringing in or the training program that spends more time teaching soldiers how not to insult a transgender person than learning how to shoot the M16 rifle.  It won’t be long now before the Army becomes another government institution that exists as a jobs program for the victims of society.  The Veterans Administration is a good example of how these forces came together to emasculate that institution long ago.  Where are the Generals when they’re truly needed.

Like I’ve said before, today’s senior officers are mere amateurs and shadows of the great leaders before them … having been cowed by politicians; the latter being beholden to a variety of special interests, none of which involves protecting the United States of America from enemies foreign and domestic.  When I was a junior soldier, I learned from some truly superb NCOs, in both Israel and the U.S., that the greatest insult to give an officer was to call him a lifer; having an interest only in getting promoted and protecting his job regardless of the costs.  I knew a lot of officer lifers.

Lower physical fitness standards, less time training on weapons systems, lower emphasis on hand-to-hand combat, more classroom time and less field time, a de-emphasis on warrior traits and more on soft social skills, extra paperwork and less time on killing the enemy, and many more; all designed to promote the feminization of the Army and to make it more attractive to those less capable of taking the fight to the enemy.   War, they tell me has changed … we no longer need to look at the enemy eye-to-eye but through the lens of a pilotless drone and thus less emphasis is necessarily to be placed on duty, honor, courage, strength, teamwork, and comradeship.

Who is responsible for this condition is irrelevant.  Who encourages it today (the media, liberals, politicians, etc.) is irrelevant.  Who allows it to happen (the Generals and senior NCOs) is irrelevant.  What is relevant is that the Army needs to take back its fighting spirit, its esprit de corps, its mission to close with and fight America’s enemies and destroy them, its complete loyalty to the American people, its institutional values of duty-honor-country, and its unfailing ability to take quick decisive action to utterly destroy any enemy who would do harm to the country or its citizens regardless of where they are.

Civilian control over the military does not mean total subservience to the changing winds of political ideology.

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Author: Army Vet

“Army Vet” is, of course, a pseudonym. He is real. The only way he would agree to write for theLeaderMaker.com was anonymously. As you will see, he’s not afraid to name names and tell it like it is but he fears for his friends still in the military and other 3-lettered federal agencies, thus the fake name. He has worked with leaders of other militaries around the world and served several decades in the U.S. Army. He writes on military leadership but I think you will find him to be unconventional and controversial.

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