Fort Bragg is Back

By | February 13, 2025

[February 13, 2025]  I was one of the few General Officers who publicly denounced the renaming of U.S. military bases.  Fort Bragg was named after Confederate General Braxton Bragg, and founded during World War I. Presumably, some Confederate General names were used as part of a broader effort to bring the North and South back together. But now, Fort Bragg is back.

The reason for base renaming under President Biden and his DEI Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was because members within the Department of Defense “were insulted by and scared of the use of Confederate General names.”  This is all hogwash. No one I ever knew in my 40 years even knew who the fort was named after and when they found out, they didn’t know which side of the war the General fought on. And if they did know, it was irrelevant.

So Fort Bragg is back, but this time it is named after a different Bragg:

“Pursuant to the authority of the Secretary of Defense, Title 10, United States Code, Section 113, 1 direct the Army to change the name of Fort Liberty, North Carolina, to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, in honor of Private First Class Roland L. Bragg, who served with great distinction during World War II with the United States Army, and in recognition of the installation’s storied history of service to the United States of America.“ — Secretary of Defense, posted on X, 7/10/2025

Hegseth has come up with a good solution. Just rename it after a different Bragg.

Fort Liberty – a stupid and confusing name – is out. Just imagine all the man hours, consultant costs, whinny left-wing groupie meetings, and hug sessions had to happen over a period of many months to get this name. And it’s gone in seconds by the stroke of Hegseth’s pen. I love it. Of course, it’s a slap in the face of to the woke military “leadership” of today’s weakened American military.

The fort is renamed after a soldier named Bragg, but Hegseth specifically adds that it is a nod to the fort’s storied history and place in America’s military culture and to the many who have trained at the fort. Common sense is back after the wild and crazy days of politically-motivated base renaming.

Fort Bragg is back. We can breathe easier now that we are pushing back on the neo-Marxism that GEN Mark Milley introduced.  That’s the same Milley who is the most hated General alive today.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

19 thoughts on “Fort Bragg is Back

  1. Sergeant Wilders

    Ah yes, I served at Ft. Bragg 88-92. Wonderful place of many memories.

  2. Jeff Blackwater

    Gen. George C. Marshall Eliminates the “Dead Wood” – The Army Chief of Staff and His “Plucking Committee”
    On Sept. 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, plunging Europe into the conflict soon named World War II. On that same day, Gen. George C. Marshall was sworn in as the fifteenth Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. He assumed command of a 190,000-man force ranked nineteenth in the world, behind Portugal and ahead of Bulgaria. With the world beyond America’s shores going to hell in a hand basket, Marshall planned to quickly increase the Army ranks tenfold. To command those new troops and lead them in combat, he needed vigorous, young commanders. Standing between him and that goal was a lot of “dead wood” – officers in their fifties and early sixties, many of them superannuated colonels.

  3. American Girl

    America is coming back like a freight train screaming down the railroad tracks and I’m smiling ear to ear as it runs over all those dictator wannabes. 🇺🇸

    1. Lesley A.

      “Make America great again, AGAIN.” — President Donald J. Trump.

  4. Navy Vet

    If I’m not mistaken, there are a number of US Navy ships named after southern Confederate Generals and Admirals. Maybe they’ve decommissioned those by now but I know they used to be. I’m a long time retired old sailor from when sailors were real men and not fake men like the LGTBQI+ congresswomen want us to be.

  5. Dale Paul Fox

    I found this post to another website by random_observer2011 to be a great comment. Here it is:
    Fort Liberty was an unfortunate choice, to the degree that that kind of hortatory messaging can often be over the top. I didn’t keep track of all the renamings, but this one suggests a mindset that would have also considered Fort Justice, Fort Freedom, Fort Morality, Fort Prudence, Fort Public Good, and so on.

    It would have turned the military footprint into a DC comic book product. Plus, the next generation left, disdaining these concepts, would have had to rename them Fort Diversity, Fort Identity, Fort Gender Neutrality, and so on.

    Hegseth’s solution is better. Renaming everything only after Union generals or pre and post civil war generals would also have been good. Though some of the pre 1860 ones weren’t exactly winners, none were fighting against the Union.

    Leaving well enough alone to begin with would have been best. All those reconciliation-style namings were made by men closer to the events.

    1. Dead Pool Guy

      Thank you, Dale for your “research” and whoever this random_observer2011 is, he’s pretty smart. Let’s hope others can appreciate the ideas he is putting forth about the “pussy-fication” of our miitary and, sadly, about its bad leaders. Hegseth needs to fire a few generals and admirals to that are woke, just to get their attention. And it’s no excuse that they were following orders.

    2. Gil Johnson

      Dale, you are right to quote this guy. Fort Liberty, I agree is a stupid name. And easily confused. This is what we might name a temporary base in a combat zone and not a permanent large base in America—nothing like a few liberals to FU## things up.

  6. Army Vet

    Damn time we got some grown-ups in the government. Too many trans and queer pandering mama-boys making bad decisions.

    1. Unwoke Dude

      Do you mean DEI-hire SecDef Lloyd Austin, Jr. and Gen. Mark Milley? Yep, this is what happens when weak men are put into leadership positions they cannot properly perform in. Milkey, especially, was horrible. I’ll write it here for all to see. MARK MILLEY IS A TRAITOR. Let’s not confuse looking tough with being tough. Those two “men” hopefully will never again influence our military again.

      1. Mr. Savage

        Nailed it, Unwoke Dude. Now to get the rest of the nation Unwoke. 😁😁😁😁😁

    2. Erica

      About time. Pres Biden oversaw the destruction of our military by making all the soldiers a bunch of pussies.


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