[February 28, 2025] The popular Vietnam War series is back for reruns on cable television. Several years ago, when the series came out, I pointed out that the series by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick was playing on long-debunked lies about the war. Yet, many still consider it the “ultimate history of the war.” Sadly, Ken Burns lost a tremendous opportunity to tell the unvarnished truth, the good and the bad – about the war.
Ken Burns got it wrong. Historian Lewis Sorely, Ph.D., properly critiques Burn’s “history.” Crucial omissions, a focus on “emotional reality,” a lack of context, poor and biased research, reliance on discredited sources, dependence on sponsors and untrustworthy advisors, and revisionism deeply stain Burn’s product.
“From my perspective, the Burns production had one objective, to reinforce the standard anti-war narrative that the Vietnam war was unwinnable, illegal, immoral, and ineptly conducted by the allies from start to finish.” – Lewis Sorely, Vietnam Vet and historian
Lewis Sorley is a veteran, military historian, and author of A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America’s Last Years in Vietnam. In a 2017 episode of The Federalist Radio Hour (link here), Sorley discusses his understanding of the Vietnam War and how Ken Burns’ portrayal of Vietnam is revisionist history.
Burns also focused on the wrongdoing, the suffering, and the brutality of the Americans and the South Vietnamese. Still, he absolutely mitigated the brutality of the North Vietnamese communists who had done unspeakable evil acts to their people. One of the examples is that not only did he just briefly mention the Hue massacre during the 1968 Tet Offensive by the communists, but he also even allowed them to justify what they did rather than confirming that it was purely a barbaric retaliation by killing innocent men, women, children and infants by beating, torturing and burying them alive.
It is important not to believe every glossy media production without a close look under the hood. If we were to do so, we would start to see this series as another attempt to cement the Leftist narrative that “Vietnam War bad” and that it is a “scar on the American people.” Ken Burns’ documentary is biased and should be widely criticized for it.
But go and read the hundreds of reviews, and you will not see this mentioned. Amazon, for example, shows thousands of reviews of the film and an average five-star rating. IMDb gives the film an extraordinarily high 9.0/10.0 rating. The problem is that the film is wrong from the get-go and provides the wrong lessons for us as a society. If we are to learn from history, we had better get the history right.
Please read my books:
“ Ken Burns got it wrong. Historian Lewis Sorely, Ph.D., properly critiques Burn’s “history.” Crucial omissions, a focus on “emotional reality,” a lack of context, poor and biased research, reliance on discredited sources, dependence on sponsors and untrustworthy advisors, and revisionism deeply stain Burn’s product.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield is all over it.
An interesting take on an interview with Burns and Novak with Mother Jones (a very far-left magazine).
Ken Burns Never Knew How Wrong He Was About the Vietnam War: Working on his new film was “a daily humiliation.”
Recommended by me.
Good article to read for more in-depth ideas of where Ken Burns was coming from. 🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️
Hey, if you want to read a real whack-job critique, then read this in Salon:
“Making history safe again: What Ken Burns gets wrong about Vietnam”
Historian Christian Appy: Vietnam was not a “tragic misunderstanding” but a campaign of “imperial aggression”
Thank you, Gen. Satterfield for speaking up on behalf of our Vietnam Veterans. Never ever ever allow the degrading of that war.
I pray daily for those souls lost in war and also – intentionally – for those who stretch and distort our history. For that is how a country loses its way.
Thank you Rev. Cain. Indeed, they need those prayers for they are an example of an enemy to themselves. They may smile all the way to the bank, but in their hearts, they know they have deceived others and thus acted without good intentions. 🙏
Well said to the Vietnam War protesters turned “historian.”
Gen. Satterfield, i may have said this before but Ken Burns and easy-liberals like him, are easy pray for charlatans who peddled the falsehoods to folks who are more interested in taking the easy way and the money. It was easy for Burns and Novak to make their “popular” series glossy and fulfilling the wet dreams of liberals than a serious television series. Thank you for denouncing him and those faux-historians.