[January 30, 2025] With the issuance of several presidential Executive Orders, the U.S. military is undergoing radical changes that pushes for a fully merit-based system and a pushback on anti-woke policies of the Biden era. But, the question remains, is our military going anti-woke?
We do know there is a serious reshaping of its approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. Donald trump’s orders are designed to dismantle these discriminatory practices In the past, even before the military went full Woke under Biden, Milley, and Austin, trends to bring in less qualified recruits was in full force, if they met certain physical characteristics.
Our military has not gone anti-woke. The DEI ideology is too deeply ingrained into the mind of many senior military officers and NCOs, plus the civilian workforce that supports our military remains committed to this insidious thinking. It will take years of strong leaders to purge the neo-Marxism that has grown so rapidly. The good news is that the tide has turned.
The Trump administration has gone all out on these “illegal” DEI programs across all agencies. According to the latest guidelines, federal departments are now required to terminate all DEI offices and place government employees in those offices on administrative paid leave. This ends all programs, training, and working groups designed to support women, minorities, and LGTBQI+ personnel.
The aim of the new policies will restore what is called a merit-based hiring and promotion system. The presidential orders direct the military to end all illegal discriminatory practices. This includes all military-employed and contractors working for the U.S. government. There will be no more efforts to balance the workplace based on race, sex, sexual preference, religion, or national origin.
These efforts will immediately impact recruitment of new personnel. There will be no phase-in timeline or softening of the policies. For that reason, we are already seeing new recruiting ads that focus on attracting such talent as those who are determined, focused, tough, smart, and with the talent to lead others in the most difficult of circumstances.
With the recent Supreme Court’s decision banning Affirmative Action in college admissions, many private employers are also reevaluating their diversity strategies. Initially, some predict the military operational effectiveness will decline while implementing these new guidelines. I don’t think so. I believe readiness will increase in the short and long term.
New Trump policies will further prohibit federal funds from promoting all gender ideology. The primary order is titled, “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity.” And Trump has revoked Executive orders establishing Equal Employment Opportunity that have been in place for decades.
Today is, effectively, a new beginning for our military where warfighting returns as the primary objectivewarfighting returns as the primary objective. It’s not too late and with dedicated, real leaders, the U.S. military will become anti-woke as they should be and to once again stand at the pinnacle of our society.
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My cousin is in the US Air Force and his leaders are Woke all the way. I hear that the USAF is the most Woke military service.
Of course, the military went woke. When you have weak leaders who are promoted based on their word skills and management capacity rather than on their leadership ability, you get the likes of GEN Milley and MG MANNER. These are the kind of men, beta men, who are weak and are unable to distinguish between good and evil. Leaders study evil, and it is evident when these “men” talk that they know nothing of value for the American people.
True, and now is the time to expose them. Say their words out loud and publically so the average American can see what I will call treason.
We might just be returning to what our nation should be. I’ll hold my judgement for now. Our military is not a woke experiment.
America is coming back where we strongly reject racial, sex, religious, national origin discrimination. The idea that certain sets of people must always be helped is soft racism, sexism, etc. That mindset says they are not and will never be good enough to do what white males can do. I reject this idea that also has at its core a Marxist ideology that is so insidious because it makes those infected with it feel they are better than the rest of us. It’s past time to kick this discrimination to the curb and rid America of it once and for all. Thanks to Gen. Satterfield for giving me the space to address this in my own way.
Thanks Jerry for writing what many of us veterans believe. Woke has no place in our military services. Period.
Well said, Jerry. Too many times over the past four years under the criminal Biden Administration, we e had to sit back and suck up the fact that our milk was being degraded purposefully in order to adhere to this Wokism ideology imposed upon it like our military was just another institution to play with. Our Progressive Leftist politicians like Nancy Pelosi and others don’t care if our military cannot do their job. They just want votes and there are plenty of feminists out there to agree with her. Our military is coming back. But alot of them need to be removed.
Good comments.
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 The winning continues. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Good news, I’m sure, Gen. Satterfield. I foresee more firings design to rid the military of dead wood and to send a clear message that woke is dead.
I think it’s going to take a long time to rid our military of Woke. The reason is that woke makes them feel superior to those of us not in the woke mindset. It’s going to be hard for our leaders, who’ve had it easy under Biden, Milley, and Austin to actually do their real jobs. I’ll wait to give my judgment on this. Maybe after the new Secretary of Defense Hegseth fires a few Generals and Admirals, they will get the message.
Nailed it, Army Captain. They already fire the woman who “lead” the US Coast Guard who prioritized DEI over mission. I was happy to hear about that.
“ Coast Guard commandant fired over operational failures, response to sexual assault cover-up”
Read more at: https://www.stripes.com/branches/coast_guard/2025-01-21/coast-guard-commandant-fagan-fired-16555947.html
I laughed when I heard about this. How embarrassing.