Hearing on Abortion & Senator John N. Kennedy

By | August 4, 2024

[August 4, 2024]  “Reproductive justice is economic justice.”  This statement is common and infers that abortion improves the lives of the mother, her family, and all of us because it is “justice.”  A counter to this idea, in a hearing on abortion, U.S. Senator John N. Kennedy asks two experts to get to the heart of the abortion issue, that abortion is killing a baby.

Senator Kennedy asked Dr. Caitlin Myers, Professor of Economics at John G. McCullough College, if she approved this statement.  After some hesitation, she agrees.  And here is the point I want to get at here.  Senator Kennedy says, “That’s not true for the baby, is it?”

It is impossible for an article to capture the look on Dr. Myers’s face and her hesitation.  It’s priceless.  To change the argument, she uses the term “fetus” rather than “baby” and then says she is at the hearing to talk about the measurable effects of a baby on the lives of women and families.  Senator Kennedy directs her back to his original question, “That’s not true for the baby, is it?

I think the conversation is meaningful because it clearly shows the division in America over this divisive issue.  Dr. Myers attempts to redirect and says, “Let me back up.  As an economist, I measure effects using data.  I’m not here to talk about ethics [or the] assignment of personhood.”  Her appeal to science is when she knows very well that the discussion is not about science but the ethics of abortion.  She doesn’t want to get entangled in any ethical discussion because doing so will make her look uncaring.

“There is no economic justice for the baby because the baby is dead.” – Senator John N. Kennedy

Dr. Myers goes on to embarrass herself and John G. McCullough College; watch the video for her responses.  Kennedy next goes to Dr. Leilah Zahedi-Spung, UCHealth Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic.  Kennedy also asks her whether she supports abortion up to the moment of birth when both the mother and baby are perfectly healthy.  Her response is classic:

“So, Senator, you’re using really inflammatory language to talk about a medical procedure, and it’s not a simple yes or no, not to mention when you make statements like that, you’re erasing the grief and the trauma my patient’s [experiences].”

These two experts call it a fetus to dehumanize it and to clear their conscience.  Doing this is universally accepted in the pro-abortion movement.  Like the pro-slavery position in the 19th century, to justify their position, they must rename those affected into something less than human.  The arguments are identical.

Abortion is about killing.  Abortion is about killing a human.  And that is an Evil of the worst kind.


NOTE: Information contained in my article comes, in part, from a YouTube video posted by TFP Student Action regarding a U.S. Senate hearing on abortion access.  On Feb. 28, 2024, witnesses testified before the Senate Budget Committee about abortion access and the economic costs of having children.  Pro-life senator John Neely Kennedy of Louisiana asked questions concerning the rights of an unborn baby.  Two pro-abortion witnesses he interrogated squirmed from his pointed questions.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

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22 thoughts on “Hearing on Abortion & Senator John N. Kennedy

  1. Patriot Wife

    EVIL stalks the land in the form of “economic justice” if it means abortion. Here is another quote by Gen. Satterfield from a couple of years ago.

    “Yet, simultaneously there exists a contradiction between the value of babies and support for abortion (to voluntarily terminate babies in the womb) that so many in the West, especially Americans, hold dearly and almost religiously. We support the “right” of abortion, often up to the moment of birth, well after viability. This movement to terminate a pregnancy is strong. This is cultivated through lies we tell young people today. For women, we tell them that there is nothing more important in their lives than their careers. We tell them “they can have it all” and that there is no difference between them and men. Implicit in these lies is that getting married and having children is an inconvenience, and those who want marriage and children are somehow socially inferior.” Well said, Gen. Satterfield, we love your ideas on abortion that it is murder, pure and simple.

  2. Maureen S. Sullivan

    These women on that panel discussing the “economics” of abortion and cannot stand to hear that this is also an ethical issue, is beyond shameful. And they are so smart that they overlooked the most basic of basic idea that all human endeavors involved an ethical side. That can never be ignored. But it is ignored and here we are celebrating abortion. Just go to any college campus today and watch the white, mostly fat, liberal girls (18-25) celebrating their sexual freedom to kill babies.

  3. American Girl

    “There is no economic justice for the baby because the baby is dead.” – Senator John N. Kennedy
    Senator Kennedy is a BEAST …. I love this guy.
    … and he is a great American Patriot too.

    1. False Idols

      WOW, great comment, American Girl. You go girl. We all love Sen. Kennedy.

    2. Willie Strumburger

      I agree with you AG, that Sen. Kennedy is a great man. Plenty of common sense. And, if these ‘smart’ and educated women at this hearing on abortion thought they could outsmart him, well, they were wrong. They got destroyed and probably didn’t even know it. Now, that is education for ya.

  4. Paulette Johnson

    My husband William and I believe abortion is an evil of the worst kind because it is the willful killing of an innocent human life.

  5. Colleen Ramirez

    Here is a great quote from Gen. Satterfield from last year.
    ” I am convinced that when people a hundred years from now look back upon our time, they will be shocked and disgusted by those who supported the abortion of human babies. The civil rights of the unborn are the new struggle for the 21st century, and there is little doubt how this will end. Those in the future will look upon the strong advocacy for abortion and wonder how anyone in their right mind could support such barbarism. VP Kamala Harris is America’s leading abortion advocate.” POWERFUL statement.
    Abortion and VP Kamala Harris
    … and now Kamala Harris is running to be President of the United States. She is evil.

  6. Abu'l Faḍl ابوالفضل

    US Senator John Kennedy is planting the kernels of Truth into these ugly women (ugly meaning morally ugly). What is also sad here is that these women, with their advanced college degrees and prestigious positions, still don’t know that a fetus is a baby. Calling a fetus and then killing it is still killing a baby. God Bless Senator Kennedy for standing up on behalf of these babies.

  7. Rev. Michael Cain

    🙏 Abortion is the killing of an innocent. That is murder. 🙏 Every day I pray for their souls. 🙏

    1. Liz at Home

      Indeed, it is and sad that we are here today talking about something that is so obviously wrong. But remember that a man can call himself a woman, and these on the panel before the US Senate would then probably say he was a woman. Sad that science has come this far to ignore reality.

  8. Valkerie

    “I’m not here to talk about ethics [or the] assignment of personhood.” – Dr. Myers. Did not work, did it? She looked stupid. 😜😜😜😜😜

  9. Doc Blackshear

    “Dr. Myers attempts to redirect and says, “Let me back up. As an economist, I measure effects using data. I’m not here to talk about ethics [or the] assignment of personhood.” Her appeal to science is when she knows very well that the discussion is not about science but the ethics of abortion. She doesn’t want to get entangled in any ethical discussion because doing so will make her look uncaring.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield, thank you for this quote. Dr. Caitlin Myers is smart enough to know that she would get this line of questioning and apparently thought that her colleague Dr. Z-Spung could save her. Nope didn’t work. They both looked like deer in the headlights and their deportment on the overall issue was poor. This is where our education system has taken us. Apparently ETHICS is not part of SCIENCE any more.

      1. Ron C.

        Indeed, great point for Doc B. 👀 I only hope that our good senators and reps have a head on their shoulders like Sen, Kennedy so hard questions can be asked of these looney tone progressives. Inevitably, the Leftists are unprepared for the most obvious questions from Kennedy et al becuase they’ve never been seriously questioned. Thanks again Doc for your well-made points.

  10. Eye Cat

    Ironic how even a Supreme Court Justice cannot define what a woman is, since she’s not a biologist. But the same person has no problem declaring that a fetus is not a human life, even though she’s not a biologist.

  11. Wendy Holmes

    Exceptional article for those of us who believe – rightly of course – that abortion is an evil that is so propagandized that mostly women believe it is their right and moral obligation to do as many abortions as possible and whenever they want and the taxpayer has to pay for it. No responsibility for their actions. America’s young women are damaged goods.

    1. Bryan Z. Lee

      There will always be young people who are sucked into various crazy ideas, but this one on abortion is complex because of the decades of propaganda that says a “fetus” is part of the woman’s body. Now that is technically true, but it is not her, it is another person.

      1. KRause

        You cannot win an argument with a woman about abortion because it is all emotion.


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