How To Be A Successful Online Student

By | June 9, 2018

By guest blogger Katherine Brown [See Biography] 

[June 9, 2018]  Online classes may be the greatest thing the internet has given us right after memes, challenges, and cat videos. While online courses may be different from physical classes in many regards, there is one significant similarity between the two – the all-encompassing procrastination and the risk of failing due to not knowing how to study properly online. Check out these 5 tips that will help you succeed as an online student!

Keep a schedule

Not having a set schedule in the traditional classroom sense of the word can be very tempting for those who tend to procrastinate. There is a big chance you will postpone studying further and further until you realize it’s going to be nearly impossible to catch up on the classes. That is why it’s so important to create a studying schedule and stick to it every day even when you’d rather be doing something else. In the end, when you finally learn a new skill or profession, you’re going to be thankful to the schedule for keeping you on track!

Have a dedicated study area

Even if you’re used to working on your laptop everywhere around the house, including your bed, it’s much better for your studies to have a dedicated area where you’ll do nothing but learn. With a special learning area, switching the mindset from play to work and then back to play will be much easier and super smooth! A simple desk with a chair will work just fine: you will spend an hour being very productive and learning, and when the time of the class is up, you can move back to the couch and enjoy the latest cat video compilation!

Avoid isolation

Online classes are designed in a way that minimizes communication between the learner, teacher, and classmates. While that can be an advantage for some introverts, minimal communication is still needed – for example, when you’re having trouble comprehending a particular topic or simply need to be encouraged by the teacher. If you’re taking online classes from college or university, you can always ask for one-on-one time with a teacher; if not, there are plenty of online tutors who will be happy to help you via a video hangout.

Be proactive

Being an online student requires you to take the initiative in your own hands if you want to actually succeed in the learning process. Don’t just sit there waiting until your teacher asks you to do some additional reading or recommends sources for your next assignment – with an online class there is a chance it will never happen! Instead, you need to find your own ways to become better at studying; most importantly, don’t forget to use the power of the internet to fuel your learning!

Be social

Not sitting together with your classmates in one classroom doesn’t mean you can’t connect to your fellow learners. The easiest way to ensure you have someone to talk to while learning is to take online courses with a friend, but you can also reach out to people you didn’t know before who are taking the same online class. You can be each other’s support and fill in the gaps in your education together more effectively.

Author: Katherine Brown

Katherine Brown is a student at California State University in Los Angeles. She is planning on becoming a teacher and is currently working as a freelance writer for at

6 thoughts on “How To Be A Successful Online Student

  1. Ronny Fisher

    It is always a pleasure to read the guest articles in General Satterfield’s leadership blog. They are varied and useful. Thanks Katherine for providing us with some useful information for the online student. Remember, however, these recommendations can be applied to anything.

  2. Janna Faulkner

    This all boils down to discipline. Keeping a positive attitude is one of the most effective ways to ensure success over the long haul.

  3. Georgie M.

    Well written and useful info. This could be applied to any career also.


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