I’m a Cat: trolling a Woke School Board

By | September 9, 2024

[September 9, 2024]  “The Patriot Barbie” podcast, Lindsey Graham discusses how woke school ideology puts kids in danger.  A mom just trolled at Liberty Elementary School board by dressing up as a cat and claiming, “I’m a cat!”

“Hello, my name is Lindsey Graham, and I am a cat meow meow.  I’m not a woman dressed as a cat.  I am a cat by show of hands.  I’m curious: how many of you believe and confess that I’m a cat? 

 Great, by show of hands, I’m curious how many of you believe that your child or a child from this school would believe that I’m actually a cat? 

 No one, you are right, why?  Because you are not stupid and these children are not stupid.” – script from BlackConservative24, link here

The idea that a grown woman would have to dress up as a cat and troll a school board to make an obvious point is nonsensical.  Who in their right mind would believe she is a cat?  Well, that is her point.  It is obvious to any sane, sober, prudent, mature adult that she is a woman dressing up as a cat.  That’s all there is to it.  And they will also immediately know she is trolling them by making fun of their denial of reality.

“One look at me, and you know this to be true.  I am a woman posing as a cat.  You may also think correctly that if I truly believe I’m a cat, I have a mental disorder.  If I suffer from a mental disorder and if I’m unable to discern reality, am I safe to be around children? 

 Would you put me in charge of making critical decisions about the safety and well-being of children?  And about the direction of their education when I cannot even discern truth from fiction?”   

Oh boy, Lindsey Graham is on a roll, and it looks like nothing is stopping her.  The fact that this video of her is more than a year old changes nothing.  I believe that our school boards have gotten worse in the denial of reality, not better.  The proof is looking to who is serving on school boards and teachers and administrators who support the woke ideology.

“No tail, whiskers, or outfit makes me a cat, just like no lipstick, high heels, or long hair makes him a man a woman. 

Do you believe that the actions of a grown man playing dress-up as a woman affects the students and staff positively or negatively?

If you were to address me as a cat right now, it’s as ridiculous as when you say Miss Bixler and a grown man’s voice comes thundering over this.  Thank you.”

And Lindsey Graham got applause from the audience.  She pulled off this trolling and got invited onto the Jesse Waters show.  She proved her point.  Just because a man dresses up as a woman, puts on lipstick and makeup, or even takes hormones and has surgery, that doesn’t make him a woman.  And it never will.

Miss Graham has another more important point, and that is those who consider themselves “trans” are mentally ill and should not be involved in any decision-making regarding children.  She’s right, and her “stunt” was hilarious.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

12 thoughts on “I’m a Cat: trolling a Woke School Board

  1. Watson Bell

    Parents are yanking their kids from left-wing woke public schools at an increasing rate and that will likely continue in the country’s most progressive cities. And that is a good thing.

  2. Ron C.

    “Parents should be able to opt out of ‘woke’ schools”
    Opinion piece from last year in Canada but still very relevant. Here is the crux of the article.
    “When it comes to academic achievement, Canada is losing ground. That’s what results on the Programme for International Assessment (PISA) tests over the last 20 years show us. While students in other G7 countries have stable or improving scores in math, science and reading, Canada’s scores are steadily declining. The steepest declines occurred in math, and this should concern all parents. Clearly, something must be done to reverse this trend. One might think that this would lead to school boards doubling down on the academic basics. Sadly, many school administrators have something else in mind. They think students actually need more diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training.”

      1. Emma Archambeau

        American Girl and Ron C., you are both right that our schools are less focused on teaching our kids the basics and how to be better adults. Teach those things that matter and not DEI where equal outcomes are required. That is a highly racist idea in so many dimensions, I’ll just leave it at that.

  3. Liz at Home

    Gen. Satterfield, thank you for this morning’s entertainment but on a very serious subject. WOKE school boards are often composed of mostly women, headed by women, and who have personalities of compassion. But their compasssion does not scale up to do good at any level of any organization and does harm in schools and in businesses, as many are now finding out.

  4. Bride from OK

    Wow, when the light comes out the school board roaches start to run.

  5. Hiratio Algiers

    LESSON: do not trust school boards. Any of them. 👀👀👀👀👀👀 Watch every thing they do. And let them all know we are watching.

  6. Mother Picasso

    Gen. Satterfield, where do you come up with these crazy things people do in their spare time? I love it that this Miss Lindsey Graham – from the Barbie Patriot Podcast (what the heck) – is all over this woke school board like stink on shi#. We all know that anybody who beleives they are the opposite sex, and then flouts it, is mentally ill. I don’t know about other people but those of us with common sense know to keep our kids away from them. No one wants their kids being around the mentally ill. Period. End of story.

    1. Karl J.

      What the heck! Yep. I agree with you Mother Picasso. Let’s go out and troll and few school boards just for the fun of it and oh, we’ll be doing a great service to our communities at the same time. Even if they don’t have a “trans” mentally ill person on their board, it is important to let them know we are watching. There was a time when school boards could be trusted. No longer.

  7. Scotty Bush

    Trolling woke school boards should become the new hobby for real Americans.


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