Immoral Law, Bad Law: Gov. Tim Walz

By | September 18, 2024

[September 18, 2024]  John Hinderaker, who is from Minnesota, the same state that Tim Walz occupies the elected position of Governor, has a recent article about how more of us are seeing the immoral law, bad law coming from that state.  If you want to see how bad Gov. Tim Walz can make Minnesota, here is an example.

Before I get into this, I’d like to point out that the selection of Tim Walz as Kamala Harris’s pick as her running mate was a bad decision.  I do think, contrary to many others, that she did vet him and found that his extremist Leftist views were compatible with her values.  And with that, she welcomed him aboard and had him with her most of the time.

Minnesota’s government passed a “trans refuge” bill in 2023, and Gov. Walz signed it.  It is hard to get a full read on the new law because of the vague language, but Hinderaker gives it a good try.  But I like Megyn Kelly’s take on it in an interview with Tucker Carlson.  The interview has gone “viral.”

Wow, Megyn Kelley slams Taylor Swift hard and rightly so.  What many of us are asking is whether the Minnesota legislative bodies and Gov. Walz are nuts and whether Taylor Swift, too, has gone bonkers.

The important question is, “Can a minor go to the state of Minnesota and get sex change surgery without that child’s parental consent?”  According to Hinderaker, an attorney not practicing family law is that “possibly” true.  He also notes that the law is poorly drafted onto multiple pre-existing Minnesota statutes.  The law is here for your pleasure reading.

There is no reference to the child’s parents in the law, which “drips with hostility” toward any effort to stand in the way of minor sex change operations.  Sadly, the state’s largest news outlet, the Star Tribune, has hailed the fact that there is an influx of children coming to Minnesota to get sex change operations and “providers” [of sex change operations] are struggling to meet the demand.

How much of this statute is simply pandering to the trans crowd is hard to determine.  But I can state with confidence that Minnesota went off the deep end years ago.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

13 thoughts on “Immoral Law, Bad Law: Gov. Tim Walz

  1. Jeff Blackwater

    IMMORAL LAW when it means killing babies. I heard the other day some liberal say that the number one killer of children is guns in the home. Another person came back and said, “nope, it’s abortion.” Smack down live on Twitter. Thank you, Gen. Satterfield and others here in this forum for helping lend a voice to help protect the innocent and infirm. Without folks like you, the Tim Walz’s and comrade Kamala’s will be running the world and America into the ground. We will be another Venezuela. Ack!

    1. USA Patriot II

      If we don’t fight for a better country, then the likes of crazy Kamala will take over. We cannot take anything for granted. Too many folks will vote for Kamala just because she is a female. Bad reasons lead to bad results.

      1. Otto Z. Zuckermann

        USA P II, nailed it, sir. “Bad reasons, lead to bad results [in elections].” We certainly don’t want people like her and Timmy being in charge of anything. One positive thing about Joe Biden – who is completely braindead now – and Komrad Kamala – is that we can see what EVIL looks like and also, unfortunately, see that most Americans cannot see evil that is right in front of their eyes.

  2. Willie Strumburger

    I have to agree completely with Gen. Satterfield on this statement here: “Before I get into this, I’d like to point out that the selection of Tim Walz as Kamala Harris’s pick as her running mate was a bad decision. I do think, contrary to many others, that she did vet him and found that his extremist Leftist views were compatible with her values. And with that, she welcomed him aboard and had him with her most of the time.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield tells us that this is not a one off for Kamala Harris. She doesn’t just make one bad decision -altho arguably this was not a bad decision- but a series of bad decisions and that is why nobody likes her. But like I wrote earlier in a post, that the Democrat Party could get a baked potato elected if they wanted to. And with Kamala Harris, she is a baked potato for sure. Let’s hope they keep the cheating down this election.

    1. Fred Weber

      Well said, Willie. And that is what politics in America has come down to. We are running toward being a Banana Republic thanks to Liberal Democrats. Sad.

  3. pigpen larry

    Bad law! How can people pass such bad laws and get away with it. Oh yeah, it’s Minnesota, the land of those who have zero values and who have thrown their lot in with Muslims and other anti-Semites.

    1. Lady Hawk

      Thank you Dale for starting off as the first post in Gen. Satterfield’s leadership forum with a crazy post on the awful awful awful Gov of Minn Timmy Walz. If he ever becomes VP, Harris will be taking orders from him and the American will spiral into craziness. Did anyone see his wife – what’s her name – speak the other day? She is crazier than him. Wow. She is a real commie.

      1. OJ to Hell

        Such is life in the Demo-rat Party these days. The more anti-Semite, the better, The crazier, the better. The more anti-American, the better. The more anti-human, the better … but the more pro-Communist/Socialist/Progressive/hatefilled, the better.


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