Category Archives: Information

Red Lines and Leadership

By | September 10, 2017

[September 10, 2017]  On August 20, 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama used the phrase “red line” in the context of warning Syrian President Assad that the use of chemical weapons was a point at which the United States would take firm action against that country.  A relatively new term –but old concept –the idea of red lines means… Read More »

How to Send a Clear Message to North Korea

By | September 5, 2017

[September 5, 2017]  Those familiar with the dictatorship of North Korea and its socialist system know that its leadership can be unpredictable, bellicose, demanding, and as of late has practiced nuclear brinkmanship.1  Since the armistice was signed in 1953, ending three years of bloody warfare, Americans have consistently put off any real solution to the hermit nation. Strategic… Read More »

Leadership and the Battle over Stereotypes

By | August 30, 2017

[August 30, 2017]  The psychology of human beings is an enlightening realm of study even for the most casual leader.  The reason is that people are both predictable and unpredictable; the science of psychology will forever work at narrowing the unpredictable.  Learning to understand why people use stereotypes and its affects is a concern for leaders everywhere. Leaders… Read More »

Internet Problems: Woe is Me [Updated]

By | August 29, 2017

[August 29, 2017]  [Updated]  Finally the Internet is back up and I’m slowly reconnecting all my devices with the new modem.  Thanks for everyone’s patience. [August 29, 2017]  Yesterday afternoon my cable modem gave up the ghost. Now it will be late today before I’m fully operational.  At that time I’ll post today’s blog entry entitled “A Well-Articulated… Read More »

Income Inequality:  the U.S. versus Venezuela

By | August 27, 2017

[August 27, 2017]  Occasionally I run across someone who takes a new perspective on things; combining ideas that have been discussed before regarding leadership and how leaders should help educate others.  That is the case with Ami Horowitz, documentary filmmaker, who recently released a video on income inequality and combined it with the topics of socialism, Venezuela, and… Read More »