Category Archives: Information

Leadership and Intelligence

By | November 30, 2016

[November 30, 2016]  Whenever people talk about important leadership traits, they never fail to mention intelligence as a key component in making leaders successful.  Just like honesty and courage, intelligence always finds a place as a crucial component of leadership.  Yet anyone who owns a dog and has had their dog around others know that even dogs (and… Read More »

Targeting of the Islamic States’ Media Experts

By | November 27, 2016

[November 27, 2016]  During World War II, one of the strategies employed by the Allies against Nazi Germany was the bombing and sabotage of ball-bearing factories.  The idea was to grind to a halt their highly effective armored forces which depended upon those ball-bearings.  Today we see something similar as the U.S. strategically targets the Islamic State’s (IS)… Read More »

War Stores: My Take

By | November 23, 2016

[November 23, 2016]  In the meeting halls of various veteran organizations there are old men telling war stories to other men; sometimes boorish, always boring, often brash.  That’s the stereotype anyway and yet my take is that there are actually good tales being told … if we only are willing to listen with an open mind. It’s difficult… Read More »

Leadership: Often a Balancing Act

By | November 21, 2016

[November 21, 2016]  I remember the military order clearly like it was yesterday.  As one of the senior U.S. Army engineers in Iraq, I was used to getting unusual requests but this one was different because it came directly from General Petraeus, Commander of the entire combat force.  The order?  Build enough barracks, headquarters structures, dining facilities, utilities,… Read More »