Category Archives: Information

Leader Trends: Are We Corrupt?

By | February 8, 2015

February 08, 2015] In 2013, I made a trip to the country of Columbia to visit some of their senior military officers, police, and political leaders. The ones I spoke with were very professional but each complained about how political and judicial corruption had enormous costs and was a terrible burden for the average citizen. One insightful policeman… Read More »

We Were Off-Line for a While

By | February 2, 2015

[February 02, 2015] It always seems to happen at a busy time or right after the big game. was down for about 8 hours and just returned to normalcy a few minutes ago. My apologies for any inconveniences experienced. It looks like my website blog was somehow pushed into cyber no-man’s-land.  My wife says that it was… Read More »

Venezuela: Violence, Corruption, & Failed Leaders

By | February 1, 2015

[February 01, 2015] Socialism is a system of government that has repeatedly shown itself to be prone to failure unless very specific conditions exist that finance its ability to operate. Venezuela is such a socialist nation that relies heavily upon oil production to fund itself, rather than upon the hard work of its people and efficient, fair governance.… Read More »