Category Archives: Information

We Were Off-Line for a While

By | February 2, 2015

[February 02, 2015] It always seems to happen at a busy time or right after the big game. was down for about 8 hours and just returned to normalcy a few minutes ago. My apologies for any inconveniences experienced. It looks like my website blog was somehow pushed into cyber no-man’s-land.  My wife says that it was… Read More »

Venezuela: Violence, Corruption, & Failed Leaders

By | February 1, 2015

[February 01, 2015] Socialism is a system of government that has repeatedly shown itself to be prone to failure unless very specific conditions exist that finance its ability to operate. Venezuela is such a socialist nation that relies heavily upon oil production to fund itself, rather than upon the hard work of its people and efficient, fair governance.… Read More »

Is the U.S. Army Outsourcing Leadership?

By | January 15, 2015

[January 15, 2015] When we think of the military, we think of leadership. But there are many of us that have begun to believe that the U.S. military, in particular the Army, has begun to outsource its leadership. Leadership in the military leadership is a fundamental attribute that cannot be removed without serious national security consequences. Outsourcing leadership… Read More »

What is a Hero?

By | January 14, 2015

[January 14, 2015] We hear a lot about heroes in everyday life in the United States. “All our soldiers are heroes,” one lady told me yesterday when I asked her she thought about her son being in the U.S. Army. Our police officers and firemen are also called heroes. But common use of the term has us now… Read More »