Category Archives: Information

What Do Leaders Want?

By | December 1, 2014

[December 01, 2014] If you ask a person what makes a good leader, they will tell you about the attributes of leadership – those attributes that make them comfortable with a person who leads. For example, a common attribute in a leader that people want is good judgment. Not surprisingly, this trait is one of many traits social… Read More »

Caution with these Well-Meaning People

By | November 24, 2014

[November 24, 2014] Ask senior leaders about the people they lead and the conversation will eventually turn to the difficulties caused by a small group of well-meaning people. The question we should ask is, “Who are those well-meaning people and should leaders exercise caution with them?” Successful leaders who act with knowledge and wisdom in their dealings with… Read More »

A Leader Unites All

By | November 22, 2014

[November 22, 2014] Growing up I read many a tale written by Ancient Greek philosophers. While I will admit not fully understanding them as a child, those stories held wisdom that I would only later appreciate as a mature adult and leader. Æsop’s fables were popular and for some reason his story about The Four Oxen and the… Read More »

A Rush to Judgment

By | November 21, 2014

[November 21, 2014] One advantage humans possess – that makes us unique in the animal kingdom – is the ability to make judgments. In the absence of complete information, a human can draw conclusions and form opinions; making leaps of logic that other animals simply cannot do, and we can do it very fast. While this is a… Read More »

The Leadership Toolbox: Decision-Making Processes

By | November 19, 2014

[November 19, 2014]  One of the strongest tools in a leader’s toolbox are formal decision-making processes. The benefits to having a systematic tool that is proven helpful to leaders in making decisions or solving problems are enormous. Regardless of the specific process chosen, there are a number of guidelines that should be followed to maximize the likelihood of… Read More »

Hero: General “Chesty” Puller, USMC

By | November 17, 2014

[November 17, 2014] Lewis Burwell “Chesty” Puller, United States Marine Corps, was one of the most decorated members in the U.S. military. Both his leadership and exceptional bravery stand without question, having been awarded five Navy Crosses – only two people hold that distinction. He saw combat in Haiti, World War II (Pacific Theater), and Korea. If there… Read More »