Category Archives: Information

Comments from Readers

By | May 28, 2014

[May 28, 2014] A number of readers have had trouble making their comments seen. The reason is that I’m using a spam filter that removes comments that the reader has not signed-up for posting. At the end of each article is a place to sign-up. It’s easy and no information obtained will be distributed to anyone, period. Your… Read More »

News Media: A Positive Update

By | May 25, 2014

[May 25, 2014] I’ve written a number of times proposing that the news media in America is in decline; its leadership more interested in aligning with certain political views than the news and a disinterested in exposing corruption, hypocrisy, and scandal – its traditional mission. There is a glimmer of hope. There are journalists who are willing to… Read More »

The Frugal Leader

By | May 24, 2014

[May 24, 2014] Leaders who use their resources wisely are those that are also the most revered by their followers. Mahatma Gandhi is of course the epitome of a frugal leader; who as a worldwide respected leader of his people was able to accomplish many good things. Successful leaders are those that minimize waste, eliminate misuse, and use… Read More »