Category Archives: Information

Lessons in Leadership: A Child Teaches Us

By | March 26, 2014

[March 26, 2014]  Learning about leadership can come in the most unexpected ways, from surprising sources, and at inconvenient times.  Such was a leadership lesson in compassion that Colorado school administrators learned the hard way earlier this week.  What happened?  A 9-year old Colorado student shaved her head to show compassion for her friend who was bald from… Read More »

“Hybrid” Leadership: A Warning

By | March 23, 2014

[March 23, 2014]  Warning to all my readers … there a few articles written about “hybrid” leadership, some of which are recycled ideas and others are poorly constructed concepts.  What one will find typically, are leader traits dressed up to look different or something on male-female hybrid attributes.  The former concept is no different than what has been written… Read More »

Leadership Attributes of Special Forces

By | March 21, 2014

[March 21, 2014]  It was interesting to get a short course on horseback packing, their care, and how to engage in a firefight while mounted.  The U.S. Marine Corps conducts a hands-on training course at their Mountain Warfare Training Center on the military use of large animals in difficult terrain.  Leadership means thinking beyond the obvious solutions and… Read More »

Venezuela Violence is Overshadowed

By | March 18, 2014

[March 18, 2014]  While Americans and the rest of the world are focused on the developments in the Ukraine and the mystery of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, there are important U.S. leadership matters regarding Venezuela that are being overshadowed.  Attention to the slow disintegration of the socialist economy and on-going violence, in our own hemisphere, has more key… Read More »

Second Order Effects

By | March 17, 2014

[March 17, 2014]  As leaders we need to be aware of the effects of our actions.  I remember as a new Infantry Platoon Leader that to increase physical fitness scores, I provided an incentive for Soldiers to run faster than me (I gave them a day off).  Yet, many Soldiers actually performed worse on their run times. Five… Read More »

The CIA, the U.S. Senate, Spying, and Leadership

By | March 16, 2014

[March 16, 2014]  Earlier this week, the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman accused the CIA of “spying” on the committee that she leads.  The CIA accused her committee of unauthorized access to CIA computer systems to obtain classified information.  At the heart of this unusual situation is the committee’s investigation of CIA interrogation techniques following the 9/11 terrorists attacks. … Read More »