Category Archives: Information

Secret Information is Not Secret

By | November 18, 2013

[November 18, 2013]  Leaders have trouble remembering that “secret” information is not truly secret, especially in this age of evolving communication’s technology.  If you tell someone about anything, put it in writing, or place it where it can be seen, it will eventually become public and no longer secret. Most people will remember US Representative Anthony Weiner D-NY,… Read More »

Explaining Big Decisions

By | November 17, 2013

[November 17, 2013]  Training leaders in the basic principles of leadership always includes the subject of good communication techniques and the challenges associated with this topic.  Probably the most important aspect of communication that any leader can do is to explain why big decisions are made.  This simple articulation of the leader’s decision logic helps prevent employees, and… Read More »

The Great War

By | November 7, 2013

[November 07, 2013]  Next year in 2014, the 100th anniversary of World War I will be marked by a number of significant events pointing to the heroic sacrifice made by brave men and women of the United States.  “The War to End all Wars” or “The Great War,” as it has been called, was being fought while the… Read More »

Enabling Failure

By | November 3, 2013

[November 03, 2013]  We’ve all seen it; supervisors who give excuses for employees who are failures in their jobs.  Like the alcoholic whose family enables the alcoholic’s drinking behavior, leaders can also enable failure.  Whatever the reason or excuse, there is a emerging trend in U.S. organizations where leaders fail to take quick, effective action to deal with… Read More »

Contrasts in the Passion of Leadership

By | October 30, 2013

[October 30, 2013]  Over the last two days, I visited a soon-to-deploy military combat unit (with their families) and visited a Veterans’ Administration hospital.  The contrast between the two in the “passion” of the personnel at each event was noteworthy. Both the personnel conducting the troop and family event, as well as those attending, were unparalleled in their… Read More »

The Senior Leader Challenge

By | October 28, 2013

[October 28, 2013]  A frequent question asked is: “What is the most challenging part of a senior leader’s job?” Most believe that dealing with the impact of America’s unstable economic situation, overwhelming organizational bureaucracy, or working with insufferable government agencies unfamiliar with the leader’s organization would the challenge.  While these are a bit demanding, they are not the… Read More »