Category Archives: Information

Aimlessness in Your Life

By | January 23, 2023

[January 23, 2023]  Aimlessness is not nothing.  Aimlessness is bad.  People find meaning in their lives by having a vision for their lives and taking responsibility for it; they have goals and ambitions.  We can be bitter, hopeless, nihilistic, depressed, anxious, and likely to abuse various substances as an escape.  Aimlessness can drill us into the ground quickly… Read More »

A Billion Wicked Thoughts

By | January 20, 2023

[January 20, 2023]  Dr. Jordan Peterson recently gave a short talk on a book called A Billion Wicked Thoughts (2012), written by a bunch of engineers at Google, and his ideas were fascinating.  As he tells the story, these engineers looked at billions of Google searches.  And, of course, there is no shortage of pornography on the Internet.… Read More »

Rights and Responsibilities

By | January 19, 2023

[January 19, 2023]  In our modern world, we are constantly fed a diet of rights and impulsive freedoms and have done so for so long that there is starvation for the other side of the story.  Since the 1960s, all we’ve had is a singular dialogue about “rights.”  In fact, there are no “rights” without corresponding responsibilities. This… Read More »

Are We Happy?

By | January 15, 2023

[January 15, 2023]  The short answer is, no, we are not happy.  However, I’m not so sure being happy is the correct marker for a good life.  We have a complex society, and we are not sure how our future will develop or if what we knew in the past will be sufficient for us to move forward… Read More »