Category Archives: Information

Ask, and It Will Be Given

By | December 30, 2022

[December 30, 2022]  Some people succeed in life, achieving fame, family, and riches.  And others fail.  So many fail because they don’t actually figure out what they want.  And the probability that you will get what would be good for you, or even greater than what you might want, is zero.  Why?  Because you don’t try. “Ask, and… Read More »

The Female Hero Myth

By | December 23, 2022

[December 23, 2022]  Modern movies are awful.  They often have a “female hero” (the perfect hero without flaw, fear, or blemish) substituting for the male hero, who traditionally rides in to save the day.  These modern movies have failed at the box office.  I’m not surprised at all.  Here is something to think about, something about the real… Read More »