Category Archives: Information

America’s History of Abandoning Allies

[May 7, 2024]  The recent announcement from America’s White House that the United States will oppose Israel’s move to destroy its enemy, Hamas, is part of a long history of America’s history of abandoning its allies.  Of course, the impact of this foreign strategy has largely destroyed America’s reputation and emboldened enemies of America to attack soft targets… Read More »

“Weak Makes Right,” says Modern Liberalism

By | April 30, 2024

[April 30, 2024]  John Hinderaker has done us a favor by highlighting a tweet from Elon Musk and helping explain what he meant.  According to Hinderaker, modern liberalism extracts the essence of Marxism, which means that all human relationships are exploitative. “Of course, this idea is ridiculous.  Most human relationships, whether personal or economic, are not exploitative.  But… Read More »

College is Worse than Useless, it’s Dangerous

By | April 24, 2024

[April 24, 2024]  The idea that college today in America is worse than useless is not new.  But since the Hamas terror attack on Israel, there has been an explosion of violent anti-Semitism on many college campuses, fueled by the pandering of college presidents to “protestors.”  Extremists are now running these Woke asylums, and that is downright dangerous.… Read More »

Why Non-Slaveholding Southerners Fought

By | April 23, 2024

[April 23, 2024]  I’ve long asked myself this question, “Why did non-slaveholding Southerners fight in the Civil War?”  Like so many Americans, I had relatives who fought and died on both sides of the war, many brother against brother opposing each other on the same battlefield.  But the question is rarely discussed or just dismissed as unimportant. Fortunately,… Read More »