Interview for Local Radio Disc Jockey Job

By | February 26, 2025

[February 26, 2025]  I was a Sophomore in High School, my first year at Cooper High School in Abilene, Texas, when a good friend, Bingo, suggested that he and I interview for a local radio disc jockey job.

Our school was moving into the radio business and was looking for talent. I figured, at the time, that they wanted someone with a deep, gravelly voice, much like Wolfman Jack (who I would later listen to on Armed Forces Radio).  Maybe I could get to play one of my latest favorite songs such as, Last Train to Clarksville by The Monkees or The Ballad of the Green Berets by Sgt. Barry Sadler.  Wolfman Jack always played the best songs.

I was psyched. Opportunities like this are rare, and Bingo and I went to the interview in one of the English school classrooms. There sat our teacher from that class, at a desk piled with papers. She handed one to Bingo to read. Bingo was not a natural speaker. As soon as he opened his mouth with that high, squeaky voice of his, I knew the jig was up; he didn’t stand a chance. The teacher smiled.  “Next,” she said.

I stepped up to the table, got handed a sheet of paper and told to read it. Now, I will admit it today – denied by me at the time – that my reading comprehension was not up to 10th-grade Texas Education System standards.

I mispronounced words, slurred a few more, and intentionally tried to imitate the Wolfman accent. The teacher smiled, laughing inside her mind, I’m sure. But instead of calling on the next kid in line, she said something I’ll never forget: “Doug, you need to learn how to talk.”  I was crushed.

Neither Bingo nor I got the job that day, and that was okay. We both had done something that required courage. My minor speech impediment, identified in the first or second grade, was gone but still in my thoughts. My Dad would help by making me learn a new word each day, taken from the newspaper. I wasn’t particularly happy about learning this way, but I did it anyway. Dad had seen I was falling behind in school and was trying to help.

That school year was bumpy for my brother, sister, and me. Maybe it was the Southern accent (which I still have today).  Maybe it was the culture shock of moving far from where we’d grown up.  But it was 1966 and Texas was a boon for us and we quickly adopted the state of Texas as our new home. This was the year Dad bought each my brother and me a motorcycle and that would be a real gift that led to many adventures.

Bingo and I would go on short rides while we explored the outer suburbs, farmlands, camping grounds, and abandoned towns south of Abilene. We were often on the road in the summer months while away from school.

One day, we saw our English teacher in the Safeway supermarket parking lot. She was kind and homely looking, like the classic stereotype one would expect to have that job. “Doug, I hope to see you in English class this upcoming school year,” she said with a smile. “Yes ma’am,” I managed to blurt out.

The following school year, this same English teacher became one of my favorites after she introduced us to The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer and other famous literature. And she patiently taught us to read and speak Middle English. It was fascinating. This was the year I learned to read and actually enjoy the experience. Thanks to my high school English teacher.

Oh, my friend Bingo was a good sport. I used to tease him about having a childhood song named after him and a popular game of chance.

NOTE: More stories like this can be found on my website by clicking here.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

17 thoughts on “Interview for Local Radio Disc Jockey Job

  1. Wesley Brown

    Sir, your time growing up, surely taught you about how to survive in middle class America. Thanks for sharing.

    1. HAL

      Wow, an obvious observation. No insult meant. I’m just the guy who points out Mr. Obvious.

  2. Fred Weber

    Very few can write such stories. Thanks! Much better than playing games on your iPhone.

  3. Nick Lighthouse

    Gen. S., thanks for another story and one similar to me when I was in HS. I was asked to try out for a videographer position and had to show my work. I had nothing, being so young and inexperienced. I just had myself and positive energy. I got my job that led to a lifelong career. But if my friend had not suggested it, I’m not so sure I’d have interviewed. Thank you, sir, for reigniting my long ago memories.

  4. Paulette

    Gen. Satterfield, you are always surprising us with new stories. Thanks.

    1. Winston

      Yes sir, what we are seeing here happening, is the development of a good man – Gen. Satterfield – as a boy growing into adulthood and to eventually become a successful US army soldier and officer of senior rank. What these small stories add up to is a boy who came out of nowhere – on the bayou – to slowly but deliberately become a strong, reliable, smart, and good Christian man. These stories are much more than simple entertainment for us but a lesson in being someone that can make it and live a good life.

      1. JT Patterson

        The point, of course, for the series “Letters to My Granddaughter.” There are many ways to go about discussing how to become a “good man” or “good woman” but telling stories is the best way, IMHO. This is the way of those who lead and know leadership. Stories help us remember. Stories excite us Stories tell us what is for the good for us and allow us to be mentally a participant. Gen. S. does us a big favor by using these storeis.

    2. Judy Judy Judy

      Yeah, I think we all do. That’s why we’re all here. Hey, Gen. Satterfield, question, what’s your most popular post? An end-of-year report is good. Just asking.

  5. Kerry

    Bingo. His parents must have hated him. Gen. Satterfield, your friend must have been mercilessly harassed over that name.

  6. Boy Sue

    Again, just out of nowhere, Gen. Satterfield brings up an interesting story from his past. Nowadays, kids have smart phone and their “adventures “ are playing on their phones. In Gen. Satterfield’s day, it meant going places and doing things and proving you were brave.

    1. American Girl

      . . . . that, my friend Boy Sue, is the American Way. We have lost our way because we no longer require those characteristics from our kids and young adults. We pamper them way too much and fawn over them and tell them they are wonderful just the way they are, and have no need to improve. They are stagnant in their lives and they know it’s not true, this they have a high degree of mental illness. This is particularly true in young girls.


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