Is Islam the Problem?

By | October 19, 2024

[October 19, 2024] Is Islam the problem?  If we were to ask Mosab Hassan Yousef, aka the “Green Prince,” he would argue that Islam is an existential problem for the world.

“The collective mind of society is representing something, an ideology, a culture, a state of consciousness that is stuck in the 6th and 7th centuries in a tribal lust for power.” – Mosab Hassan Yousef, The Jerusalem Post

Mosab’s message is a call for action as he points out a myriad of threats that Islam threatens.  Ignoring these threats means we will be unprepared for the inevitable confrontation between the Christian West and Islamic world.

The son of the terrorist group Hamas cofounder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, Mosab tells us not to ignore the realities of this evil that has embedded itself deeply into the fabric of those cultures overcome by it.

And he says that it is essential to confront the ideology directly, acknowledging that the rhetoric of destruction from Islamic groups like Hamas is not mere political posturing but an essential tenet of their existence.

Mosab condemns the historical anti-Jewish ideology of Islam. The spreading of hatred towards Jews is a major barrier to a future reconciliation. His call to “fight Islam” is a challenge for major reforms within Islam rather than an outright condemnation of Islam as a whole.

His perspective challenges the West’s desire for a two -state solution, urging political leaders to reassess their blindness and instead, first address the threats posed by various Islamic terror groups.

NOTE: Thumbnail courtesy GettyImages


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

13 thoughts on “Is Islam the Problem?

  1. Lost in Japan

    ANSWER: Yes, Islam is the problem. Yet our political and religious leaders say “no.” Saying “no” means ignoring the reality in front of your eyes. Islam is falling apart and very few people are willing to say so out loud. Mosab Hassan Yousef Is one of the few who are brave enough, and with the personal experience to back up his claims. God Bless Mosab Hassan Yousef. We need more like him. We need less like Kamala Harris and the sissy men “ilk” that support her.

  2. Larry B.

    Mosab Hassan Yousef converted to Christianity because he saw, firsthand how terrifying Islam is when applied in the real world.

    1. Dolores Rook

      Yep. But most Americans just stand aside and let evil influence them as they eat their Burger King hamburgers. 🤬

  3. Sadako Red

    The Islamic Republic of Iran is a very serious global threat, not just against Israel. Iran is not only a dictatorship, a terrorist regime, but a truly irresponsible religious leadership that is not concerned with this life; they are concerned with the afterlife. If they destroy the entire region to achieve their religious agenda — they are willing to do it,” Mosab Hassan Yousef noted in a recent interview. He has become more in demand after the October 7th massacre in Israel. He notes that the solution is the total destruction of the leaders of Iran and their spin-off terror groups.

    1. Horatio Algiers

      RED, a pleasure to hear from you. I’m a huge fan. Please do us all a favor and write another article for publication on Gen. Satterfield’s website. Thanks. And encourage Gen. S. To publish his next book.

  4. Desert Cactus

    “When October 7 happened it was like an earthquake for me,” said Yousef. “I wanted to go into silence. I was leading a very simple life. But that morning, the lion within me awakened, a volcano was about to erupt. I made a decision to burn this evil down to ashes.”

  5. Wellington 🕷️

    Excellent article on an important issue in today’s chaotic world. If only our politicians could speak with clarity about Islam and the problems coming from it. Oh, I know 5he answer. Kamala Harris gave us the answer. “I came from a middle class family.” Well, there you go. She is such a birdbrain. 🐔

    1. Mrs. Jamison

      Wellington 🕷️ I think the issue here of Kamala Harris is a tad complex even with her being unable to communicate clearly. And when that happens, evil raises its ugly head and looks toward us as the next body to conquer.

  6. Boy Sue

    Mosab Hassan Yousef Knows what he is talking about, not from reading books or studying at a university or from talking to witnesses, but from direct personal experience. That is why he is so credible. But the West’s elites hate him for it breaks their myopic agenda on Islam being a “religion of peace.”
    Pray for this good man.

    1. Frank Gothernsheim

      Yes yes yes, he is the go-to person to better understand the depravity of Islam. And yes, Islam has a problem and few are doing anything about it.


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