Is Joe Biden Finished? [Updated, Biden is Out]

By | July 20, 2024

[July 21, 2024]  President Joe Biden just announced that he is withdrawing from his candidacy for a second term “for the good of the country.”  Readers know that I am one of those who had hoped he would stay in the race, not because Trump could beat him, but because that is how we Americans can see the two radically different versions of America’s future being played out on stage.  Here is Joe Biden’s letter making the announcement.  He also endorsed VP Kamala Harris as the new Democrat Party nominee in an X post.

[July 20, 2024]  The answer to this question is yet to be written in the history books, but many say this weekend is a make-or-break time for Joe Biden.  The Democrat Party’s political machine could get a bag of rocks elected as president if party leaders demanded it, and lately, I believe it.  If the Party is for you, you’re in, and you can win.  If the Party is against you, you’re out.

Given Biden’s increasing number of flubs and errors, I’m not surprised that his Party would be working against him.  The media and Democrat operatives seem to relish every incident now.  A month ago, they would have fought to keep these incidents out of the news.  Their actions recently are another sign that Democrat leaders and the media want him out.

Last night, rumors swirled in the media (here, here, and here) that Biden will bow out of his candidacy in his run against Donald Trump.  And that he might drop out as soon as this weekend.

Here is something important to point out: Joe Biden has not yet decided to drop out of the race, and so far, he remains adamant that he will remain.

One reason Biden might drop out is his “health.”  More likely, it has to do with the Democrat Party believing that Joe Biden will lose the presidential election and he will cause catastrophic losses in the Senate and House.  So, they have come out against him.

I don’t think this drumbeat for him to drop out is as big of a deal as others are making it; politics is politics, and it can be dirty.  What is a bombshell is an admission that Biden is incapable of being an effective president.  In our history, there have been occasions where presidents were incapable of carrying out their duties (e.g., Woodrow Wilson), but their problems were hidden from the public.  Not in this case.

If Biden does end his pursuit of a second term, he has been clear that he will not step down from the presidential office.  Biden will continue to be incapable of doing what he was elected to do: be President of the United States.

This also means Vice President Kamala Harris will not be the first female president unless she is elected in November.

Hearing this news, I ran to my local grocery store to pick up some boxes of my favorite Orville Redenbacher Popcorn (EBT eligible) with extra butter.  I plan on sitting back and watching what should surely be some great entertainment this weekend.  But as entertaining as it might be to watch Joe Biden self-destruct (and it is very entertaining), it won’t be good for our nation.

If Biden plans to drop out of the race for a second term, he should also resign from the presidency and install Kamala Harris as president.  I prefer that he stays in the race and that we have more debates and public appearances from both Biden and Trump.  Our form of government can be sloppy and chaotic, but this is how we get to know the candidates, their ideas, and what they would do if elected.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

32 thoughts on “Is Joe Biden Finished? [Updated, Biden is Out]

  1. Sadako Red

    Good thing you stocked up on popcorn, Gen. Satterfield, because you are going to need it now.

    1. Bernard

      Indeed, better for the country, no doubt about that and he endorses Kamala Harris, well that proves now beyond a shadow of a doubt that he doesn’t deserve to serve a second term because no one can be that stupid.

  2. Danny Burkholder

    To answer the question “Is Joe Biden finished?” That depends on what you mean by ‘finished.’ To me it means that his campaign for a second term is over. In that case, the answer is YES. Now, it is only a matter of pain and Biden to announce it.

  3. Idiot Savant

    ” I ran to my local grocery store to pick up some boxes of my favorite Orville Redenbacher Popcorn (EBT eligible) with extra butter. ” – Gen. Doug Satterfield. I caught the “EBI eligible” note.

  4. Bernie

    Our nation is divided for one main reason: Joe Biden. He doesn’t realize it but the “Buck stops here.” And he is in charge. He campaign on bringing the country together and that he would be a moderate. Both did not happen. He is beholden to the radical anti-Semite Leftists in his Democrat Party and his words are divisive. He is the opposite of what he would have us believe. I too hope, like Gen. S. that he does NOT drop out of the race. America needs a stark reminder of the two very different visions for America. Which will you chose?

  5. Larry Michen

    A team of New York Times White House reporters portrays it as a team effort:
    “Sick with Covid and abandoned by allies, President Biden has been fuming at his Delaware beach house, increasingly resentful about what he sees as an orchestrated campaign to drive him out of the race and bitter toward some of those he once considered close, including his onetime running mate Barack Obama. Mr. Biden has been around politics long enough to assume that the leaks appearing in the media in recent days are being coordinated to raise the pressure on him to step aside, according to people close to him. He considers Representative Nancy Pelosi, the former House speaker, the main instigator, but is irritated at Mr. Obama as well, seeing him as a puppet master behind the scenes.

    1. Veronica Stillman

      Larry, I think most of us can agree that Joe Biden is being backstabbed by Obama and Pelosi. Sad. Hey, just tell him to quit. Don’t sucker punch him in the gut.

  6. Colleen Ramirez

    No matter what he decides, Joe Biden is finished as president of the United States. He may hold the title but no one but a few radical Leftist Democrats will have any respect for him. We all know that he is clueless and cannot do the job. All of us have had a boss that was clueless, and they all ended up being fired or retired. Let us hope that Joe Biden keeps his dignity and resigns or retires.

  7. corralesdon

    Lots of speculation but Gen. Satterfield reminds us that “Joe Biden has not yet decided to drop out of the race, and so far, he remains adamant that he will remain.”

    1. docwatson

      True. Watch the news this upcoming week … changes are going to be made. Biden is stubborn. Let’s see what he does. Sadly, the longer he drags this out, the more painful it will be if he does resign.

  8. Audrey

    It is sad to see anyone descend into dementia (regardless what kind of dementia) and to see them slowly but inextricably lose their marbles. This is happening to Joe Biden. Gen. Satterfield and others pointed this out way back in 2021 simply from observation of his behavior. COVID was a great excuse to hide him in the basement and not allow him to talk to the public directly. This has come back to haunt us all Americans. Sad but true, Joe Biden is no longer fit for office because he has lost his marbles.

  9. Wellington McBeth👀

    Pres Joe Biden is no longer in charge of what happens in the White House. All Americans need to know who is running the country. We all know it is not Joe Biden. Yeah, he has some lucid moments but this is not an 11am to 3pm job like he is treating it. And members of his cabinet are running amok with their “wokester” ideas and damaging America in the process. If Joe Biden got control over his woke Leftists, I might vote for him. No, I would never vote for him, just a passing thought. But the willfully blind, the uneducated, debt-ridden college students, and the illegal aliens will vote for him in droves. Why? He promises them all a handout.

    1. The Golly Woman from EHT

      Sad but true! Wellington, you nailed it.

    2. The Observer

      Who is making decisions at the highest office, the presidency, in America? Is it Kamala? Is it Jill? Whoever it is, they were not elected to do the job and here is a little secret, whoever it is, they are doing an awful job.

      1. Max Foster

        Exactly right The Observer. Joe Biden should quit NOW before the damage he does to himself and America gets worse. I don’t care what damage he does to the Democrat Party, they have proven themselves to be the party of hate and anti-Semitism; nothing more could they deserve.

  10. H. M. Longstreet

    Biden is waiting for assurances he will not be prosecuted, a Golden Parachute to pay for Jill’s lavish lifestyle and a guaranteed pardon for his son Hunter.

  11. Ronny Fisher

    As more Democratic members of Congress called for him to drop out Friday — bringing the total since his disastrous debate against Trump to at least 30 — Biden remained isolated at his beach house in Delaware after being diagnosed with COVID-19. The president, who has insisted he can beat Trump, was huddling with family and relying on a few longtime aides as he resisted efforts to shove him aside.

    1. Karl J.

      Good points Ronny and thanks for the reference. Too bad that Joe Biden will drop out because I too would like to see these men go head to head so that we all can understand the differences. But, Biden will use his health as an excuse not to do any more debates and reduce his campaign schedule. And his voters will still love him and believe him. Anything to avoid showing what a dildo he is.

      1. Pumpkin Spice

        Karl J, ouch on that comment. I hope Joe Biden drops out of the race and resigns his presidency and the sooner the better for our country.

  12. Melissa Jackson

    “This also means Vice President Kamala Harris will not be the first female president unless she is elected in November.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield, let us hope this is the case that she has to get elected to be president. ✔ I dislike the fact that women are given something and then they claim they earned it. VP Harris earned her position in government on her back.

  13. DI Fred Thursday

    Like Gen. Satterfield, I hope and pray that Joe Biden stays in the race to become the next president, not because I like him, I do not, but because it makes everyone SEE the difference in these two men.

    1. Jeff Blackwater

      DI Thursday, same thoughts on my part. I don’t like Joe Biden because he is an EVIL man. His evil is kept mostly in check due to the legal limitations on what a US president can and cannot do. That is a good thing. But what he can do, he will do if it means traveling down the path of evil. For example, he is pro-abortion, he thinks that is health care. Actually I don’t know what he thinks becuase for him it is more important to pander to leftist, fat, white women who have cats and are single because they have nothing else in their pathetic lives and they vote.

      1. Nuevo Byrd

        POW, Jeff, you got me rolling on the floor with your comment. Thanks for a pick me up this morning.

      2. Vanguard

        Got me there Jeff.


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