J.D. Vance: to the “Cast Aside and Forgotten”

By | July 22, 2024

[July 22, 2024]  In an interesting article by Matt D. Kittle of The Federalist, he writes that Donald Trump’s VP pick will never forget the “cast aside and forgotten.”  This is not a new political theme, but this time, the idea seems to have taken off in a speech by J.D. Vance.

At the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin this past week, we saw a new Donald Trump and his newly-selected Vice President running mate, J.D. Vance.

“What many heard was a guy who, despite being a millennial millionaire, shares an all-too-common upbringing in impoverished rural America.  Vance, the author of the best-selling Hillbilly Elegy, literally wrote the book on it.”

J.D. Vance is young, 39 years old, from an impoverished part of Ohio, and had a humble beginning.  He grew up in poverty, joined the U.S. Marines out of high school, served in Iraq, went to school on the G.I. Bill, and earned a law degree from Yale.

“The senator’s ‘guardian angel’ grandmother raised him.  She was tough as nails, Vance said, a Christian woman who loved the Lord nearly as much as she loved the ‘F word.’ Mamaw once told her grandson that if she ever caught him again hanging out with a kid who was a notorious drug dealer in town, she’d run the boy over with her car.”

During his speech at the convention, the audience erupted in laughter and a chant of “Mamaw.”  J.D. Vance escaped poverty, representing the American Dream that anyone can, with hard work and Divine Providence, pull themselves out of a cycle of crime and poverty.  Vance’s message is that politicians have enriched themselves while the average American has suffered.

“For decades, that divide between the few — with their power and comfort in Washington — and the rest of us only widened.  From Iraq to Afghanistan, from the financial crisis to the Great Recession, from open borders to stagnating wages, the people who governed this country have failed and failed again.” – J.D. Vance

J.D. Vance was not speaking to the Republican Party; he was connecting with what he calls the “cast aside and forgotten.”  J.D. Vance is the American success story, a person who starts with nothing – worse than nothing – and becomes a great man.

“To the people of Middletown, Ohio, and all the forgotten communities in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and every corner of our nation, I promise you this: I will be a vice president who never forgets where he came from.” – J.D. Vance

At first, I was curious why Trump picked him over a traditional pick over a “minority” candidate.  Now I know why.

Good luck to J.D. Vance.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

23 thoughts on “J.D. Vance: to the “Cast Aside and Forgotten”

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    I’m back. I was vert busy with church and need to devotional time with God. With so much happening in the world it’s time for unity.

    1. The Kid

      EDDIE !!!!! Welcome back my brother!!!! We did miss you and I agree it is time for unity, but only so few Americans want that. The radical Leftists are pushing us off a cliff and most of us are just standing by and doing nothing about it. I pray to God that our country gets back on the right track and soon. Sadly, the radical Marxist Leftists in the Democrat Party don’t want peace, they want control over every aspect of their lives and the only thing they hate worse than Donald Trump are Christians like you and me. All I can do is pray for the souls, because they are lost.

  2. USA Patriot II

    JD Vance says that our politicians in Washington DC have failed us while at the same time enriching themselves. He promises to never forget us. For those Leftists who think he is another Hitler, I feel sorry for your hatred of America and its values. Please go to another country, I recommend Cuba for you.

    1. corralesdon

      Nancy Pelosi is evidence enough. Oh, I almost forgot, Joe Biden is another example. Oh, others like Menendez from New Jersey. Oh, ……

  3. ashley

    “At first, I was curious why Trump picked him over a traditional pick over a “minority” candidate. Now I know why.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield

  4. Larry Michen

    JD Vance’s book and what appears to be his theme in life is to never ever ever forget the cast aside and the forgotten. Many of us, like Gen. Satterfield, grew up in small towns without traffic lights, no grocery stores, but had churches that helped instill basic Christian values in us. And we did all those activities that Gen. S. has written about: hunting, fishing, swimming in the lakes and rivers, and running around in the woods looking for something to do. We all did that, even the girls. And how we have a generation that is stuck on their smart phones and cannot put them down. So JD Vance has to find a connection and this is the connection to never forget them.

  5. Mr. T.J. Asper

    I ordered his book “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis” 2016 from Amazon. The book has almost 100,000 reviews and that’s a hell of a lot of reviews. And I’ll come back here to write about my thoughts on the book too. My High School class will have it as one of their optional reading resources. Then after this academic year, I’m retiring. Too much DEI crap being pushed down on us.

  6. British Citizen

    I’m British and I’m MAGA 2024. BTW, wasn’t Kamala Harris the Border Tzar? Asking for a friend. Cheers!

  7. North of Austin

    Better get your popcorn buys quickly because this week is going to be fun watching the Democrat Party melt down.

    1. Willie Strumburger

      North of Austin, I’m not so sure. The Democrat Party prides itself on singular messages and holding their politicians in line. They had better do what their leaders say or they get cut off from the largesse of funds they have. And no politician can survive without the support of the Democrat machine and their money, and they all know it. The problem here is that Democrats are not used to chaos and they don’t do well when things don’t go their way. Plus their radical leftwing keeps pulling their party leftward and that explains their problem with anti-Semitism (which those who are Jewish and Democrats are totally oblivious to). Any way, I hope you are right and we are about to see the beginning of total destruction, but that is probably just too good to be true.

  8. Adolf Menschner

    I wish J.D. Vance well in his pursuit of higher office. I hope he remembers to do so with humility and respect for others. If he does that, he will win. We already know he is smart. And his comment about the cast aside and forgotten is a great way for him to tell others about his priorities.

  9. Greg Heyman

    JD Vance said that if Joe Biden isn’t fit to campaign, he cannot be trusted to remain in the White House. “Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit enough to serve as Commander-in-Chief,” Vance wrote on X. “There is no middle ground,” and Vance is right. You cannot be a half-leader. Either you are all in or you’re out. Joe Biden needs to go and I’ve written this multiple times here and on other websites and I’ll say it again. Joe needs to Go. 😎

    1. Liz at Home

      Yeah …. but …. but …. but …. that leaves the country in the hands of a dingbat and Kamala Harris is better on her back than leading a country.

      1. Bryan Z. Lee

        🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Liz, you sure stepped on that fantasy !

    2. Chuck USA

      If Joe Biden ends his reelection campaign, how can he justify remaining President?Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit enough to serve as Commander-in-Chief.There is no middle ground.— JD Vance (@JDVance1) July 21, 2024

  10. Banned from Twitter

    The ‘Cast Aside and Forgotten.’ EXCELLENT ……. no wonder Donald Trump picked this guy.

  11. Mikka Solarno

    The freshman Senator from Ohio, J.D. Vance, writing in the Wall Street Journal:
    [F]rom grand-strategy seminars to the State Department, our entire notion of statesmanship is broken. For many, statesmanship means having a polite social-media presence and throwing out slogans about “freedom” and “democracy” while starting world-historic catastrophes in the Middle East. I prefer a different kind of statesmanship: one that stands athwart the crowd, reminding leaders in both parties that the U.S. national interest must be pursued ruthlessly but also carefully, with strong words but great restraint.
    Jan 31, 2023

  12. False Idols

    Everyone seemed to be saying that JD Vance was a bad choice for Trump’s VP pick. I don’t think so and the more I see him, the better I like him. As usual, Trump’s decision is spot on. For those who understand leadership, it is best to have young folks start early so you can grow them into those positions. To select them after they are matured fully doesn’t always work.

    1. Army Captain

      False, you sound like a military man. That is exactly how the US military works. They look at those with POTENTIAL and select them for command positions of greatest authority.

    2. Yusaf from Texas

      You da man, False Idols. I think that Donald Trump is starting to act like a military man himself.
      Folks, don’t forget to get yourself a copy of Gen. Doug Satterfield’s book “Our Longest Year in Iraq” and a fantastic book that you can find on Amazon.

    3. Eric Coda

      A statement from our VP Kamala Harris …. somebody wrote this for her because she cannot write:
      “With this selfless and patriotic act, President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of service: putting the American people and our country above everything else.

      “I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. Over the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

      “We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”


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