Category Archives: Leadership

Realizing Strength in Others

By | March 24, 2016

[March 23, 2016]  During grade school my brother Phil always loved to draw.  But his drawings were not typical; they were of bridges, buildings, and airports.  Throughout his school years his ability to design these very things grew as did his interests.  Lucky for him, a large engineering company representative saw his work at the High School Fair… Read More »

Islamic State Terrorism is Genocide

By | March 18, 2016

[March 18, 2016]   Yesterday morning, the U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry declared that the Islamic State’s terrorism is genocide against certain religious groups and is now the official position of the United States of America.   People would be correct to say that the U.S. is now demonstrating leadership with this declaration. However, leadership is not perfect and… Read More »

Profile: Ronald Reagan

By | March 17, 2016

[March 17, 2016]  “Trust, but verify.”  This quote is classic Ronald Reagan, 40th President to the United States.  It exemplifies his ability to precisely put his thoughts into short, clear sentences and it tells us he understood the psychology of humans.  Reagan is considered to be one of the best U.S. presidents of the 20th Century and his… Read More »

Core Values: QVC

By | March 15, 2016

[March 15, 2016]  My wife is the one who educated me on QVC and how great their customer service was for her and her friends.  Any organization that I feature here in is one in which I have personal experience with at some level, although in this case less so.  Since so many have told me so… Read More »