Category Archives: Leadership

Venezuela: The Revolution Continues

By | November 29, 2015

[November 29, 2015]  In a little over a week, Venezuelans will go to the polls for legislative elections in this (mislabeled) democratic country.  A socialist country, Venezuela has only the thin covering of free representation.  Politicians say that the socialist revolution continues in Venezuela and that it’s their only path to prosperity, freedom, and equality.  The reality is… Read More »

Good Social Skills

By | November 28, 2015

[November 24, 2015]  Being a leader means many things but one thing that is required for those who desire to be successful is to have a good set of social skills.  It doesn’t mean that a successful leader is required to have table manners, a pretty smile, or fashionable clothes; although it certainly helps.  That is why I… Read More »

Characteristic# 96: Tolerance and Patience

By | November 27, 2015

[November 26, 2015] Incidents over the past few weeks in the Middle East have heightened our awareness of the volatility of the region. What many respected and proven leaders advise is a dose of tolerance and patience among the major powers; especially those that have strong military forces in the area. Senior leaders who consistently produce success understand… Read More »