Category Archives: Leadership

Morale is Everything

By | September 10, 2015

[September 10, 2015]  In the history of warfare there are many examples that show that a large, heavily armed military force was defeated by a small, under-resourced opponent.  The difference has always been the level of morale in the force that won on the battlefield.  This can be applied to all organizations and that is why leaders focus… Read More »

How Do You Improve Citizenship?

By | September 9, 2015

[September 9, 2015]  The great debate over the mass refugee movement from the Middle East into Europe and general immigration into the United States rests on one’s perception of good citizenship.  Few people would oppose immigration if those coming into their country became contributing citizens.  The more important question before our leaders is how do you improve citizenship?… Read More »

Why is the Ben Carson Campaign Growing?

By | August 30, 2015

[August 30, 2015]  Inspirational Leadership!  Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is a Republican running for his party’s nomination to be the next U.S. president.  Since the early August Republican debates where he held his own, his campaign has come alive with inspirational speeches.  His campaign continues to grow despite what many talking heads have predicted. Carson makes it… Read More »