Category Archives: Leadership

Guam’s Race-Based Restrictions

By | August 29, 2014

[August 29, 2014] An interesting case is working its way through the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. Apparently, Guam has a Decolonization Registry that discriminates along racial lines. A person living in Guam has sued the government saying he was not allowed to register because he was not a “native inhabitant.” Guam’s race-based restrictions… Read More »

Characteristic# 71: Political Competence

By | August 27, 2014

[August 27, 2014] During the Korean War in 1951 U.S. President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur of his command for making public statements that contradicted the administration’s policies. MacArthur did not have a full appreciation of what he could and could not control and who were his allies … he underestimated the President. Despite having great military… Read More »

Taking Care of People

By | August 26, 2014

[August 26, 2014] There is a tradition in the U.S. military; the commanding officer always eats last. I’m not sure where the tradition started or how it developed but it makes a lot of sense. By eating last, the officer knows whether all the troops have been properly feed – whether there is enough food and whether it… Read More »