Category Archives: Leadership

The War on Drugs

By | February 25, 2014

[February 25, 2014]  The declaration of a “war on drugs” by the President Nixon administration in 1971 was a continuation of U.S. government policy that had been in place, essentially since 1914.  The United Nations and many senior leaders in government across the globe participated and are currently conducting policies that discourage illegal drug use.  Sadly, there has… Read More »

Characteristic #50: Credibility

By | February 24, 2014

[February 24, 2014]  Senior leadership means having many attributes that are stronger and more powerful than other leaders less experienced and motivated.  Having credibility is one of those complex characteristics that is hard to describe … we know it when we see it.  Being able to articulate the components of credibility is important because it reaches back to… Read More »

Kiev and Caracas: Violence in the Streets

By | February 23, 2014

[February 23, 2014]  Protesters seeking “greater freedoms” are involved violent protests in both the countries of the Ukraine and Venezuela.  The socialist leadership of these two very different nations are trying to move their people in an anti-Western direction.  While both are unique in their origins and cultures, there are some common themes in both these movements.  The… Read More »

Korean War Hero

By | February 21, 2014

[February 21, 2014]  Paik, Sun Yup (백선엽) is a leader and true hero in all senses of the word.  The Korean War is known in America as the “forgotten war” because most simply do not know about it.  Sadly this is also true across the western world, not just in the United States.  There are many leadership lessons… Read More »


By | February 20, 2014

[February 20, 2014]  Rituals are a special part of daily life … a pattern of habits that allows us predictability.  Rituals can be defined as a stereotyped sequence of activities that are designed to achieve a desired (and predictable) goal.  Leaders need to be aware of them and encourage the good rituals.  Rituals can be simple things like… Read More »

Characteristic #49: Maintaining the Human Touch

By | February 18, 2014

[February 18, 2014]  Leadership is about maintaining the human touch with people.  People are the strength of their organization and leaders that do not understand this principle will always struggle to succeed.  Effective leadership means treating people right and respecting them.  As the saying goes, “Take care of your people and they will take care of you.”  But… Read More »

Ambassador Nominee Embarrassment

By | February 15, 2014

[February 16, 2014] Good leadership means building productive teams and organizations by ensuring the best and brightest leaders are ready for the job.  Leaders are a reflection of that organization and its senior executive leadership.  Yet, it appears that the U.S. has embarrassed itself over several recent nominations to ambassadorships1 (a senior leadership position).  The nominee to be… Read More »