Category Archives: Leadership

Worst Congress Ever?

By | March 11, 2014

[March 11, 2014]  The headlines scream “the worst Congress ever.”  That is probably not true if measured by important legislation because there have been plenty of years very little of substance is done.  What we may be seeing is that the real issue causing so much dysfunction in Congress today may be a lack of senior leadership. If… Read More »

Maintaining Grace under Fire

By | March 10, 2014

[March 10, 2014]  One way for those of us in senior leadership positions to show our professionalism is by how we act when we lose.  A common phrase is “grace under fire” and is a desirable professional leader characteristic. Just recently, one of the U.S. President’s nominees, to lead the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, failed confirmation in… Read More »

Characteristic #52: Expressing Gratitude

By | March 9, 2014

[March 09, 2014]  Senior leadership means letting people know that you appreciate what they are doing.  Gratitude can be expressed in many ways and I will address them here shortly, but most important is the daily effort to recognize as many people as reasonable. The frequency of showing gratitude depends on opportunistic circumstances such as geographic location and… Read More »

Aljazeera America Television

By | March 7, 2014

[March 07, 2014]  While sitting here in a western airport lounge and watching CNN, I saw an advertisement for Aljazeera America television.  I wasn’t even aware of it.  After some research I see that no one is watching it, presumably because of its history as a propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism.  Is CNN showing leadership?   [Don’t forget… Read More »

The IRS and Leadership

By | March 7, 2014

[March 07, 2014]  There is a common claim today that the IRS audits people based on their political party affiliation – those claiming to be “conservative” being most likely to receive an audit.  Furthermore, the IRS is being accused of unlawful targeting of conservative groups.  If this is not true, the IRS senior leadership should be actively countering… Read More »

Core Values: Chick-fil-A

By | March 5, 2014

[March 05, 2014]  They say that snowstorm in the southern states is as rare as unsweetened tea at a church supper.  But that is what happened at the end of January (see Stuck in Atlanta Airport).  In Birmingham Alabama during this same storm, many motorists were stuck for hours on Highway 280.  To the surprise of all, a… Read More »

Small Minds at Big Universities

By | March 4, 2014

[March 04, 2014]  Recently a private citizen pledged over $10,000 to Purdue University’s school of engineering in return for naming a conference room in one of their buildings.  The plaque had God’s name on it, so Purdue removed the reference to “God” and did so without notifying the private citizen.  This is not just another example of leadership… Read More »