Category Archives: Leadership

Thoughts on the Death Penalty

By | March 8, 2023

[March 8, 2023]   “Saddam Swings” blared the headlines of the Daily News.  In the early morning hours of December 30, 2006, disgraced Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging.  I was in Iraq at the time, just a couple of miles away.  His hanging changed my thoughts on the death penalty. There are “crimes” that the proper… Read More »

Great Stories

By | March 6, 2023

[March 6, 2023]   Since a young age, as far back as I can remember, I was fascinated by stories told by my mother and grandmother (Bigmama, as we called her).  But also those told by the many military veterans who lived in the small town where my family settled.  I would call them ‘great stories’ in my unsophisticated… Read More »

Passport Bros

By | March 5, 2023

[March 5, 2023]   For decades, being a U.S. military man and having lived overseas has allowed us to date and marry women from other nations.  Go to any military base, and you will see this for yourself.  Recently, that phenomenon exploded into a massive trend of men from all walks of life going elsewhere outside the United States… Read More »