Category Archives: Leadership

The Downside to Politicizing the CDC

[May 4, 2021]  Throughout the West, we are witnessing an unusual trend.  Organizations of all stripes are being politicized, where their mission changes depending upon political party affiliation.  The downside to politicization is the usefulness of that organization. A recent example is the U.S. Center for Disease Control.  Tasked with protecting American health, safety, and security threats, both… Read More »

Profile: General Curtis LeMay

[May 3, 2021]  It is said that hard times create hard men.  World War II was a war that characterized hard times, and out of that trauma came Curtis LeMay, a hard man; the youngest and longest-serving general in modern American history.  He rose from obscurity, lacking social graces, old-boy connections, or lineage to become America’s most innovative… Read More »

The Man in the Arena

By | April 28, 2021

[April 28, 2021]  One hundred-one years ago, in April 1910, Theodore Roosevelt spoke about citizenry in a Republic.  His speech in Sorbonne Paris is popularly known as ‘The Man in the Arena.‘ An oft-repeated theme of my leadership blog deals with individual responsibility, and Roosevelt won great acclaim for his emphasis on personal duty and accountability. If anything,… Read More »