Marxism and the Cain and Able Story

By | August 21, 2024

[August 21, 2024]  In a recent interview with Paul Kengor, Jordan Peterson compares the political ideology of Marxism with the story of Cain and Abel from the Bible.  He does this brilliantly.

“There’s a theological element to Marx that can be traced all the way back to the story of Cain and Abel.  Because Cain and Abel is the first victim-victimizer narrative.” – Dr. Jordan Peterson

If we were to take all the stories of humans since the beginning of our existence and rank them in terms of importance, relevance, and most entertaining, and put them into a book, that book would be the Bible we have today.  I’ve written this before, and this is not the first time the idea has been read here on my website, but I believe it is important to re-state this as fact because it is a meta truth, a truth above all other truths.

Peterson notes that in the Biblical story of Cain and Abel, Cain feels that he’s the victim of Abel and that he is driven by bitter resentment.  Kengor says, “Envy is what Marxism is all about.”  Marxism is essentially a retelling of the story of Cain and Abel, and Cain is the protagonist.

We might think that the core doctrine of Marxism is economic inequality, but it’s not.  The core doctrine of modern Marxism is victim-victimizer.  Marx said that the primary dimension of the victim-victimizer is economic.  Marx’s thinking about the economic issue is paramount, but the new modern Marxist thinking has become purely the victim-victimizer narrative on multiple dimensions.

“Take any way you can possibly categorize human beings that divides them into groups, and you can take that dichotomous dimension, and you can say victim-victimizer.  So, now you can explain everything.  Since you can explain everything, you have got no more work to do cognitively and you can learn in 10 minutes.  And then there is an additional advantage endemic to Marxism is that to be a good moral person merely requires that you identify with the victim.”  – Dr. Jordan Peterson

In this discussion between Kengor and Peterson, it is brought up that on college campuses today, there is that victim-victimizer narrative that drives these students.  It is not all Marxism because the Biblical story of Cain and Able is something much deeper, and at the bottom is power.  Some people have power over others, and those without power are the good and noble.

“They’re always in search for the next victim group.  That’s the key.  Who’s the next victim class?  And once you’re in that group, that group has to be taught to hate the other group.  They are a victim because of that other group.  If you don’t understand that you are a traitor to your group.  That group that you are in be it race, gender, sex.  It puts you in the camp as oppressor or oppressed.” – Dr. Paul Kengor

Those who claim moral virtue are the ones who rationalize the power narrative and do so without any effort.  It only requires you to verbalize that you are on the side of the victim.  Interesting.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

17 thoughts on “Marxism and the Cain and Able Story

  1. Rev. Michael Cain

    By now, there is not a thinking person alive today that thinks that Communism/Marxism/Socialism does not lead to a destructive and evil end. The proof rests with 100 million+ dead bodies from the 20th century, a century that witnessed the most evils ever in the history of mankind. Let us never forget it. And anytime someone says that socialism is just taking care of your neighbor, you’ll know they are lying thru their teeth. Pray for their souls but never ever trust anything they say.

  2. William S.

    Now this is very interesting and I really like your take on the Bible as it applies to the modern era.

  3. Veronica Stillman

    Excellent comparison. Something I never thought about but makes lots of sense.

    1. Harry Man

      Indeed, it does Veronica. You just never know what will pop up on Gen. Satterfield’s blog from one day to the next. I’m glad that he addresses the issue of the evil and insidious Marxist ideology that continues to sweep across nations. And it destructiveness needs to be exposed for all to see.

  4. Newbie in Seattle

    Thank you, Gen. Satterfield for helping expose the roots of Wokeism and their Marxist roots.

  5. Hiratio Algiers

    WOW, nailed it. Thanks, Gen. Satterfield. 👍

    “They’re always in search for the next victim group. That’s the key. Who’s the next victim class? And once you’re in that group, that group has to be taught to hate the other group. They are a victim because of that other group. If you don’t understand that you are a traitor to your group. That group that you are in be it race, gender, sex. It puts you in the camp as oppressor or oppressed.” – Dr. Paul Kengor

  6. Peigin

    What I can now see better is what US Pres. Joe Biden is telling us. He stands up there and says that Donald Trump is a ‘threat to democracy’ (aside the fact we are a republic). What Biden is saying is that he knows the victims and he is
    ‘protecting’ the victims from ‘evil.’ Therefore, he is superior to Trump. Thus Trump is a threat to ‘democracy’. Well, how is that going? And that means that any methods he uses to destroy Trump are acceptable and lauded.

    1. docwatson

      Well said, Peigin. I do believe you nailed it. The METHODS to destroy your enemy can be done by any means whatsoever. As long as you are the morally superior person, you can do anything at all and “we will all love you for it.” Well, that is not working out too well in America because that is not how our Republic works. We have something called the US Constitution and it lays out the principles by which we operate, not the Marxist version of hell that Biden and Harris have adopted. I mean the entire Democrat Party has adopted. That is why they seem so crazy.

      1. Unwoke Dude

        Taking over buildings, threatening people, blocking traffic and illegally camping on the campus and not one is expelled. Guess that means either they aren’t Columbia students or Columbia just doesn’t care due to wokeness. The Woke mind virus is there. Wokeness = neo-Marxism.

  7. Idiot Savant

    Anytime Gen. Satterfield has Dr. Jordan Peterson’s ideas in his articles, I’m reading it. Sir, thanks!!!

  8. Aussie

    I liked it when Dr. Paul Kengor said that these modern-day Marxists (read that as the Democrat Party in America) are always looking for the next victim group. That is how they can always claim to be morally superior to all of the rest of the people here. Cheers!

  9. Max Foster

    “Take any way you can possibly categorize human beings that divides them into groups, and you can take that dichotomous dimension, and you can say victim-victimizer. So, now you can explain everything. Since you can explain everything, you have got no more work to do cognitively and you can learn in 10 minutes. And then there is an additional advantage endemic to Marxism is that to be a good moral person merely requires that you identify with the victim.” – Dr. Jordan Peterson Sums up the ignorant Marxists of today pretty well. Sounds a lot like all the Leftist Democrats out there. Compassion Compassion Compassion, except that somebody has got to pay for it and they ignore the rampant Corruption Corruption Corruption.

    1. Linux Man

      Max. Correct. I would add that corruption is a feature of Marxism, not a bug. So those who believe we can have a utopia where everyone is equal, well NO. That won’t happen because those at the top will be wealthy and have every advantage and then the masses will have little (and they will be equally poor).

      1. Jonnie the Bart

        I think that is a part of their point about today’s neo-Marxian grand plan.

      2. McStompie

        That is what the modern-day Democrats do. They are corrupt because that is human nature and their self-identified moral superiority says that is acceptable.


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