Meet the First Paraplegic Firefighter 

By | January 17, 2025

[January 17, 2025]  Satire is a form of beauty, and one of the very best portrayals of this form is The Babylon Bee. This site publishes satirical articles on various hot-topic issues. Their latest is a short clip purporting to interview the first paraplegic firefighter.

“Meet John Larson, a paraplegic firefighter who is breaking barriers, much like the pit bull that broke his legs.” — The Babylon Bee

The clip begins with, “The legged community and minorities are underrepresented as first responders.”  This is about the character John Larson, a 28-year-old Battalion Chief with the Los Angeles Fire Department. “You can be a good firefighter. People see you, and they’re like, wow, look at him.”

This clip is obviously poking fun at the female lesbians in LAFD senior leader positions. Like this “paraplegic” firefighter, there is a questionable ability for them to rescue people from a burning building or extract someone from a major car wreck.

The over-the-top blind faith that underrepresented females can fulfill the duties of a young, highly-trained male firefighter puts people in danger. Just like this “unlegged” or “leg-challenged” firefighter, it is ridiculous to believe that anyone can do any job, and when that’s not the case, discrimination is the explanation. Common sense is absent, and yet we celebrate it.

I’ve seen this in the U.S. Army, too, as they pushed women to become Army Rangers or to fill combat roles they were not physically capable of doing. This includes both positions and rank. For example, I was replaced by the “first Indian female” General Officer in Combat Engineering. Magazines and newspapers covered her promotion and position. After the glow and notoriety faded, she could not live up to the hype, and her Soldiers suffered for it.

An LAFD actual promo (not satire) explains why we need women of color in the fire department:

“You want to see somebody that responds to your house, to your emergency, whether it’s a medical call or a fire call, that looks like you. It gives that person a little bit more ease, knowing that somebody might understand their situation better. Is she strong enough to do this?  Or, you couldn’t carry my husband out of a fire. Which my response is he got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of a fire.” — LAFD Deputy Chief Christine Larson, September 19, 2019

This is nuts. I know no one who would care one iota who comes to save them. Most sane folks just want someone who is physically capable and has the experience and skills to do the job, period. Nothing else matters.

The clip has gone viral because we can see the craziness in it. With DEI, we make people feel like they can do anything (which reality says is not true) and also say anything they want with impunity regardless how fanciful (which is false), and no one puts up a red flag and says ’no way.’

The DEI ideology has gotten so far out of hand that people like the female in the clip can say this into a video camera, then it gets viewed and approved, and then put out on television without someone questioning this unprofessional message. Amazing!

Here’s the bottom line. DEI hires don’t care about you. And that translates into the hires not doing the job they were hired to do. They will fail, often spectacularly, and then blame you for their failure.  You’re racist, don’t ya know.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “Meet the First Paraplegic Firefighter 

  1. Janna Faulkner

    Sir, you never disappoint. Thank you for highlighting this video on the WOKE / crazies / lesbians who couldn’t find their fireman’s helmet in an emergency. Maybe they need to change their outlook on DEI.

  2. Mark Spanner

    Screaming funny. Had me rolling on the floor and I had to hold my side it hurt so much. Gen. Satterfield, I had no idea that The Babylon Bee was so funny. Satire cuts hard. We should find them toothsayers of the future. Keep these coming our way. Like Dow op music, The BB just makes me feel good like when I was a kid learning dirty jokes (oops, writing about my secret past).

  3. Idiot Savant

    LOL, Gen. S. Gotta hand it to you for this small humor. Artistic? I think , yes.

  4. Edward M. Kennedy III

    LOL, just went to YouTube and watched the Babylon Bee satirical video. Great humor on display. And I also watched the lesbian LAFD firefighter tell us that our fat a$$ would not be rescued by us if she were there because we are white and male. Hmmmmmm, there is a problem with this line of thinking.

    1. corralesdon

      Great to hear from you again, Mr. Kennedy. Thanks for all you do. 👍

  5. Jerald_Easterling

    Great quotes, Gen. Satterfield. Thanks. 😎🥸🤩🥹😁🙀👍💯

    1. Eric Coda

      Fred, good catch. Yep, I do think we all know by now, that this is the left’s main argument about humor. And , like Gen. Satterfield says, humor is a form of beauty and beauty is judgmental. The left hates this with a hot passion, yet in their hate they are doing exactly as what they oppose. I’d not want to be a leftist today. They are consistently being trolled by those on the political right. And, frankly, I’m enjoying every minute of it. There is no punishment being handed out to leftists, however, like they have done. We just mock them relentlessly. And they deserve it with passion.

  6. Tomas Clooney

    Nothing like making fun of Wokies. They have no humor. Classic Communists.

  7. American Girl

    America is making a big comeback. I think that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both see this and are freaking out since Americans see them as utter failures. Humor like this Babylon Bee article really puts the smile in their woke destruction.

  8. Liz at Home

    Gen. Satterfield, I’ve seen this clip by the LAFD diversity chief maybe 20 times, and each time I think to myself, “Why would any sane person in a leadership position allow such a video to go out publicly. I know why! The leaders are cowed by the DEI / Woke soldiers who would destroy them. Now we are seeing the end of this evil and it could not come soon enough. With Pres. Donald Trump, we are going to witness a crushing blow to the last remnants of woke ideology. Let’s hope so.

    1. The Kid

      Well, let’s all watch this carefully and when needed, actively participate in “crushing” this ideology. We can use satire as well. Remember that humor is hated by these radical leftists and they will go nuts. And that, I will be happy to sit back and watch. We are already seeing that in “Lefties Losing It” news articles. 👍👍👍👍👍

      1. Willie Shrumburger

        😁 Will have my popcorn and standing by to watch as Libtards destroy themselves in their circular firing squad. Already happening. 😁


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