Mildred Gillars: Treason

By | September 13, 2024

[September 13, 2024]  She was one of the most famous people coming out of the tragedy of WWII.  But you probably never heard of her except by her radio name, “Axis Sally.”  Mildred was one of several Americans who were involved in disseminating German propaganda. For her role, she was eventually captured, found guilty on eight counts of treason, and imprisoned.

Apparently, her decision to become a Nazi propagandist, beginning in the early stages of the war, came as a shock to her family and friends.  From 1940 until two days before Germany’s surrender, she ran three programs.

  1. Home Sweet Home Hour: designed to discourage homesick Americans from fighting against Germany via implied unfaithfulness of their wives and girlfriends stateside, as well as disparaging the war’s purpose and the Allies’ ability to win it.
  2. GI’s Letter-Fox and Medical Reports: which had at its core the actual names, individual service numbers, and current prisoner of war status of wounded American soldiers. The relatives of captured soldiers listened to the program regularly.
  3. Midge at the Mike: filled with anti-Semitic talk, criticisms of US President Roosevelt, and spreading defeatist messages.

Interestingly, there was a listening post at a monitoring station in Silver Hill, Maryland, where as much as possible was recorded for expected postwar prosecutions when the Germans lost.

“Sal is a dandy,” wrote U.S. Army Air Corps weatherman Corporal Edward Van Dyne, in a January 1944 article, “No Other Gal but Sal,” in The Saturday Evening Post.  “[She is] the sweetheart of the American Expeditionary Force!  She plays nothing but swing—and good swing!  She has a voice that oozes like honey out of a big wooden spoon.  ‘Homesick, soldier?  Throw down your gun and go back to the good old USA.’ Dr. Goebbels no doubt believed that Sally is rapidly undermining the morale of the American doughboy.  I think the effect is directly opposite.  We get an enormous bang out of her.  We love her.  Well, Sally, we’ll be in Berlin soon, with a great big hug for you, if you have any kisses left!” – Warfare History Network, Blaine Taylor, May 2016

When Berlin fell to the Soviet Army, Mildred literally exited the backdoor of the studio as soldiers were entering the front.  After going underground, she was arrested by an American agent in March 1946.  The arrest was when her real name emerged.

For her criminal trial as an accused traitor in 1948, she showed up with her long, silver hair with her clothes accented by a bouquet of bright red roses, as if at a Hollywood movie premiere rather than a criminal arraignment for treason.

“Gillars might be considered a mixture of several types, including an overly emotional drama queen, a hysterical would-be actress, and a “stupid woman who sold out,” to borrow the words of a U.S. prosecutor.  But she was not boring on the stand.  The most tedious part of the trial for the jurors was listening to excerpts of her radio programs.”Warfare History Network, Blaine Taylor, May 2016

Mildred never retracted what she said on her radio programs.  Instead, she insisted that she was a paid informer, not a traitor.  She was convicted and sentenced to 10 to  30 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.  But she never asked for nor received a pardon.  She feared that if freed, she would be harmed in America or deported back to West Germany, where she could also stand trial.

She was paroled in 1961 and began a new, simple life where she gave piano lessons to inner-city children and taught music to novice nuns.

“In her final role, she was respected, needed, valued, [and] even beloved.” –  biographer Richard Lucas

When she died in 1988, Mildred was buried without any public funeral and rests in a still unmarked grave in Lockbourne, Ohio.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

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13 thoughts on “Mildred Gillars: Treason

    1. Idiot Savant

      Nick, yeah, I caught that too. What this article tells us, is that Mildred Gillars – aka Axis Sally – wanted to be like a Hollywood star and everyone clap for her. She needed that attention, and she took acting lessons. And even at her trial in America for treason, she was showing off her stylish clothes and held her head high. Kind of like Lord Haw Haw but who went to the gallows. Maybe Hanoi Jane should have seen the hangman’s noose too.

      1. KRause

        I do think she got what she wanted but die a pauper and in silence and in an unmarked grave. As it should be. Except I think she should have been hanged. Just me.

  1. Camila Sanchez

    “A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman statesman

  2. Xerces II

    See “Profile: Lord Haw-Haw” by Gen. Satterfield
    Joyce was swept up by Sir Oswald Mosley into the British Fascist movement. Friends of Joyce warned him about possible internment due to his beliefs. With his wife Margaret, he left London for Germany in 1939. Arrested in 1945 for his role in the Nazi propaganda effort, he was incarcerated in Wandsworth Prison.
    In the face of death by hanging for being a traitor, William Joyce never flinched, never showed fear, even at the arrival of the hangman. Joyce told the man who escorted him to the noose, “Follow me, sir, it’ll be all right.”

    1. New Girl

      Hanging is the preferred treatment for traitors. Today we only praise them for their ‘bravery.’ 🤢

      1. Marx and Groucho

        Yes, I remember that article. If I am correct, this is the start of several articles about traitors.

  3. Winston

    Good article on treason and a great example. But when Jane Fonda, Hanoi Jane, went to give aid and comfort to the North Vietnamese enemy of America, she was treated as a movie star and became rich and is still treated like a celebrity. Such is America today. But most of us real men in America know the truth and call her a traitor whenever we can get the chance to insult her with the moniker “Hanoi Jane” to remind her forever of her traitorous past.

  4. Frontier Man

    Today, treason is in vogue. If you commit treason against America, the progressive leftists will hold you up as a hero. Crazy but true. Leftists in America are mentally ill. Let us hope they don’t have influence over children or even have kids.


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