[January 3, 2022] You probably never heard of Bob Reilly1, but you sure missed something in life by not knowing him. During a cold weather snap, Bob rescued a homeless veteran sleeping next to a Wawa convenience store a few days ago. With his own money and time, he gave a helping hand to someone in need. His action took moral courage, something lacking in our modern times.
Bob Reilly, an outspoken advocate for the betterment of our veterans and dedicated saint to many, puts action where most folks just talk. Bob is a real man (something we so desperately need today) who walks the walk. His actions speak louder than any words.
“Fear not, my lord, we will not stand to prate; Talkers are no good doers: be assured. We come to use our hands and not our tongues.” – Shakespeare’s Richard III, 1594
Two days after Christmas, having just returned from delivering 75 parkas and coats destined for the homeless, Bob Reilly stopped by his favorite Wawa for a much-deserved cup of hot coffee. On the side of the store, he spotted a pile of blankets with a man wrapped inside. Approaching the man, a pair of threatening eyes peered out. Bob left, giving the man $10 but wondered if he had done the right thing.

Looking west to the mountain range overlooking A Shau Valley, South Vietnam
Bob was up early after a night of restless sleep, then traveling back to the Wawa to find this man. “Hello, sir, wake up.” “You’re still here.” The man identified himself as Norman, a homeless U.S. Army veteran. After buying Norman a meal at Mcdonald’s Restaurant, Bob took Norman first to the Red Roof Inn and then Roadway Inn. After using his own money, Bob made sure that the homeless man had shelter for the night.
After many calls and visits to those he knows, Bob was able to get Norman connected to Volunteers of America in Camden, NJ. Norman is now in the hands of a group of caring individuals who will be helping him. Bob will check to make sure Norman remains in good hands. Thanks to Bob’s foresight and moral courage, Norman now has a roof over his head and food on the table.
Our country needs more men like Bob Reilly. We “need” to see what right looks like. We “need” heroes to show us the way. Otherwise, we are adrift without a moral compass. Thank you, Bob Reilly; you are a real hero.
Bob Reilly grew up in Philadelphia and graduated from Father Judge High School and LaSalle University. He served in the U.S. Army from 1968-1970, including a 1-year tour in Vietnam with an artillery battalion. His unit, 6/33 Arty, fired over 400,000 105 mm rounds in support of Allied Forces in I Corps ( including 101st Airborne, 1st Mar Div, 3rd Mar Div, 1st Cav, and the 1st ARVN Div) in the Ashau Valley and on the DMZ. Bob is married with 3 children, 7 grandchildren and resides in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey.
Please read my new book, “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” at Amazon (link here).
Good man, another real hero! I am happy to know they are still out there. At least Bob Reilly is a man’s man. None of that wussy stuff we so often see.
Doug Satterfield you are the greatest Veteran that I know!
Steve, great to hear from you and thanks for the compliment. I hope you and your family have a great New Year!
Let us hope for a new year for all of us that brings back peace and prosperity. The world is not headed in the right direction at this time. And, that is why it is so important to do was Gen. Satterfield recommends to keep ourselves fit and ready and help our families and communities. That is how you build from the ground up.
I second that!
Bob Reilly is an amazing person. I wish there were more people like him out there.
Monica, yes, Bob is a true American who gives a helping hand to those in need.
I think there are more people like him out there but we are unaware of their selfless deeds. Thank you General for sharing this wonderful person’s story.
A true American patriot. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Bob Reilly, thank you for your service to our nation. And, thank you for helping this man. You are a life saver!!!!
👍👍👍👍👍 Bob Reilly, you da man. We need more men like you. Thank you, sir.
Kind of reminds me of the soldiers that Gen. Satterfield wrote about in his new book ‘The Longest Year in Iraq.”
If you’ve not got a chance to get your copy, order it now from Amazon. You won’t be disappointed. Many many stories like the one here today.
Yes, written about the daily struggles of foot soldiers in combat. Easy to read, no acronyms and you don’t need to know the US army to understand the daily events Gen. Satterfield discusses. Men like him, Bob Reilly, and so many others have brought honor to America and continue to service even after they take off their uniform for the last time.
“Thank you, Bob Reilly; you are a real hero.” — Gen. Satterfield …. yep!
I’ve written this before and Gen. Satterfield continues to demonstrate it, that by showing people what a hero is like (or at least someone who helps our fellow man), we are showing the RIGHT thing to do. Regardless of circumstance or threat to themselves, men like Bob Rielly and others on this blog (search “moral courage”) you get to witness what is good. That means a lot to me and my family. My sons read this blog too and they are just teenagers. They can “see” (to use Gen. Satterfield’s phrase) good in it and I’m proud of them. They will grow up to be good men, family men, those who help their fellow man, good Christians, and maybe just maybe, great men.
Well said, Max Foster and thank you. Best of luck to you and your sons. 😊
Excellent article, gen. satterfield.
Mt. Laurel, New Jersey. Good to know that “Jersey” has some fine people living there. My aunt lives in Bordentown, NJ just a short distance from there.
New Jersey, esp, southern New Jersey, parts of the state are a great place to live. Other than their Governor Murphy (like NY’s gov Cuomo) who killed thousands of elderly (many veterans) with his covid policies, and got re-elected (what’s up with that?), the state is a place you can raise your family.
I’m a little late writing this but, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. It’s been a terrible year with the snowflakes taking over social media, the suppression of free thought, riots, murders, and violence (supported by many politicians). But to read this website continues to give me hope. Thinks will begin to improve in America…. that’s the way we are.
People are quick to condemn America today, kind of a marxist fad. But we witness men like Bob Reilly and I think the marxists are just a bunch of wimps in their parents basement typing on an old computer. Then, there are real men like Mr. Reilly.
Yeah, thinking the same thing here.
Our country needs more men like Bob Reilly. You got that right.
Another spot-on article from the bowels deep in the heart of southern New Jersey ….. Gen. Doug Satterfield once again hits the ball out of the park with a spot light on this man, Bob Reilly. Well done, Gen. S. Please keep up the great work you are doing on this website about leadership.
It is a pleasure to read about this man. Thank you, Gen. Satterfield. ✔
THere was an earlier article too, “A Vietnam War Vet and His Story”
Yes and go to the link above called “Vietnam Vet Quotes.” A real treat.
“[October 29, 2020] Today’s article has a bit of a treat for my readers.” Yup! Good stuff here. I’m a huge fan of Gen. Satterfield and his website. This site has been up now for over 8 years. I learned a great deal about leadership but also learned to “see” what right looks like and what others have done to merit such attention. Hey, if you are looking for an example of good, just look here and read these articles.
Thanks Gen. Satterfield for today’s article on moral courage. I like and do appreciate your mini-series when you highlight someone who does something to demonstrate moral courage. We all need examples of how to act properly. In this case, well done!
On occasion, we run across someone who demonstrates true patriotism, compassion, knowledge on HOW to help others, and who takes ACTION. Clearly, Mr. Reilly does this. Thank you Gen. Satterfield for giving us this blog post about him. It gives me hope that more people are like him and that is what helps make this nation great.
Yes Maureen, we are blessed to have folks like Bob Reilly. The more Bob Reillys like that we have, the better off we are as a place to live and grow our families. Because we know there are those out there looking out for those of us who fall thru the cracks in society.
Good comment DPG, and please, let’s all have a great new year knowing that there might someday be a Bob Reilly there when we are in need.
Yes, he walks the walk. 👍
You got that right Harry. Too many people I know just talk — yak yak yak — but when it comes to doing something, they are no where to be found. Men — real men — like this man Bob Reilly is a sign of hope. It is also good to know that our Vietnam War vets are still around doing good.
Must be a great guy! Is he married? …. oh, yes, too bad.
Yes, he is. You missed out Janna. hahahhahahaaaaa.