Mr. President, do you admit failure in Afghanistan?

[July 7, 2023]  The new and heavily redacted State Department report on our failure in Afghanistan (see link here) shockingly places the responsibility for our withdrawal on the Biden White House.  I say shockingly because the U.S. State Department is a shill for the Biden administration, so it is now evident that no amount of pussy-footing around the obvious failures could not be covered up anymore.

It is also clear that the State Department was totally unprepared to process the evacuees because diplomatic personnel were ordered to “continue embassy operations … in the belief that the security situation would not deteriorate substantially in Kubal for several months at the earliest.”  Duh, the U.S. military knew better.  Did the U.S. Ambassador and the senior military commander bother to talk?  Obviously, they did not talk.  And the State Department didn’t even know who was in charge within their own department.

A reporter asked, “Mr. President, do you admit failure in Afghanistan?” about the State Department report.  Biden said, “No, no, All the evidence is coming back.  Do you remember what I said about Afghanistan?  I said al Qaeda would not be there … Read your press.  I was right.”

David Loyn, a visiting senior fellow in the War Studies Department at King’s College in London, said the following (link here):

“The president was not right.  In fact, he was wrong.  What he was referring to was a commitment by the Taliban to support operations against international terrorists operating in Afghanistan.  Not only has that commitment been broken, but links between the Taliban and al-Qaeda are said to be “strong and symbiotic,” with al-Qaeda now “rebuilding operational capability” from its base in Afghanistan.”

This was willful negligence on the part of the Biden administration.  Also, their malfeasance put the State Department and U.S. military lives in danger unnecessarily and carelessly.  Our ignominious retreat from Afghanistan is a stain on America and will forever be remembered by our adversaries.

The State Department report was made public because Republican members of Congress pressured State to declassify and release it.  Only 24 of 87 pages were declassified and completely omitted the narrative, forming the bulk of the report.  House Representative Michael McCaul said this is “another blatant attempt to hide the Biden administration’s culpability in the chaotic and deadly evacuation from Afghanistan.”

When you are in charge, you are in charge and responsible for what does or does not happen.  This is the basis for leadership.  It always has been and will always be.  Except for the Biden administration, in their thinking, they are blameless about all bad things happening and responsible for all good things.  That is their thinking and why Biden is now seen as the worst U.S. president in our history.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

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19 thoughts on “Mr. President, do you admit failure in Afghanistan?

  1. Patriot Wife

    pres Joe Biden is mentally incapable of making moral and lawful decisions. That is why the leftists like him being there. He is easily manipulated and his wife DOKTOR Jill keeps him drugged up enough to just read from the teleprompter.

  2. Winston

    Like the typical narcissist, pres Biden will never admit anything he did was wrong. That is the very definition of a Narcissist. I’ve known a lot of them, many from Gen Z.

  3. Len Jakosky

    I never knew a politician who admitted he was wrong and Joe Bitme will not be the first. He just ‘reads’ the teleprompter. I dare his handlers to let him talk without it and answer questions on any serious topic.

  4. Joey Holmes

    Gen. Satterfield is spot on with his comments here. Amazing that so many Americans cannot see how much of a failure this is. 😎

  5. Army Captain

    Afghanistan withdrawal was a colossal failure. Period.

    1. American Girl

      Got that right, Army Captain.

      1. Lady Hawk

        Yes, American girl, always wonderful to hear from you. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ You go girl.

  6. Max Foster

    “When you are in charge, you are in charge and responsible for what does or does not happen. This is the basis for leadership. It always has been and will always be. Except for the Biden administration, in their thinking, they are blameless about all bad things happening and responsible for all good things. That is their thinking and why Biden is now seen as the worst U.S. president in our history.” What else is there to say! Ouch, double ouch. Gen. Satterfield nailed it.

    1. Ice Man

      Max, I think we’ve all been there and can see that Biden is terrible and corrupt, both at the same time. But there is no reasonable lawful way to get him out. We will just have to tough out his idiocy for the next couple of years. Even Kammmaaallllaaa Harris would be better.

      1. Watson Bell

        I’m not so sure, the damage already caused is costly in lives and incoime.

  7. Jonnie the Bart

    Funny how that works. Blame the other guy for your failures. Works every time! Nope. Only shows that you don’t understand leadership. Leadership means being in charge from day one. “The Buck stops here.” I wonder where that bit of wisdom came from. Surely was not Joe Biden, the dumbest, most corrupt, the worst president in American history (altho Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama are close seconds).

  8. Boy Sue

    Afghanistan was a failure when our state department was allowed to push the LGTBQA+ plus agenda on Musllims.

  9. False Idols

    Funny how pres Biden claims he was successful but blame Trump for its failure. What is up with the dementia patient in the oval office? He is just plain stupid, or maybe nuts,

    1. Mr. T.J. Asper

      He’s a criminal who faked out half the country to give him votes. Got to hand it to him, he “won”, that is, he cheated to “win.” Like Gen. Satterfield has said before, if you have to cheat to win, you have not won.

      1. Jonny McB.

        Yep, couldn’t have said it better. Hey guys, I got my copy of Gen. Satterfield’s “Our Longest Year in Iraq.” Great book, get your copy today.


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