My Dog is Trans: No

By | March 4, 2024

[March 4, 2024]  Amala Ekpunobi has done it again with a video (link here) showing a “trans woman” telling the world that “her” dog is transgender.  Of course, all sane people know this to be impossible, but the reason I highlight the idea, other than it becoming popular, is that this is what happens when good people fail to call out mental illness and pander to it.  My dog is trans.

A couple of days ago, Amala showed a TikTok video of a “trans” who claimed their dog is transgender.

“Most people don’t know, though is that my dog, much like myself, was assigned male at birth.  However, we are both girls.  Here’s our friendly reminder that gender is a human-made construct that is not based in reality.  When it comes to animals, dogs don’t care about gender, but humans do.  Kara [the dog’s name], for example, has never once lifted her leg to pee.  She is not territorial.  However, she has humped one dog that has humped her, and she has humped her own toy once, and Kara it makes no difference if I put her in a dress, if I put her in bows or if I put her in a cute little matching hoodie.”

This is fairly typical behavior in both female and male dogs.  The “trans” person doesn’t have any experience with dogs, and that is obvious.

“Kara is happy so long as she gets exercise, she gets fed, she gets cuddles, she gets loves and pets.  To me, it’s more important how people care more about respecting the gender of my dog than they do myself and other transgender individuals.  So, this is a reminder to treat people like you would treat a dog.  Ask people for names and pronouns and share your own and never assume someone’s gender identity because someone’s appearance and someone’s body does not always equate to their gender identity.”

Amala makes a good point about Kara’s owner.  Many “trans” people think that just because they take on a handful of female characteristics, or what may have been deemed to be female characteristics in their daily life, that that somehow makes them female.  Now that others like this “trans” have projected their own identity onto their dog, it shows how superficial is their view of Womanhood.

Are you insulted?  Nope, dogs don’t care.  As long as these mentally disturbed people don’t pump their dogs full of hormones and the dog gets its basic needs met, I don’t care, nor am I insulted.

However, I’m not going to affirm the mentally ill.  I will be kind to them, but never expect me to agree with or respect them.

And this, “Experience: my dog underwent gender reassignment surgery”  Is this a British thing?


Listen to the song that topped the iTunes chart.  Link here.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

17 thoughts on “My Dog is Trans: No

  1. Army Captain

    Gen. Satterfield wrote “Many “trans” people think that just because they take on a handful of female characteristics, or what may have been deemed to be female characteristics in their daily life, that that somehow makes them female. Now that others like this “trans” have projected their own identity onto their dog, it shows how superficial is their view of Womanhood.” Excellent comment sir. Sadly, the US Army under the diversity hires that run it have made being “trans” a priority. Getting shot full of hormones and having surgery will NOT make you a good combat soldier. I guess they want them in the Army’s HR department. How about making them recruiters? Ha

      1. Ron C.

        It’s much much worse here in my Canada. Looks like Justin Trudeau is pushing us to be the most “inclusive” nation in the world. The problem with that is you attract criminals within them. That means the demise of Canada and all we stand for. Our values are being crushed everyday by him and his ilk. Gen. Satterfield, please keep up the great work you are doing to expose the insanity of what is going on in the West.

    1. Autistic Servent

      SAD …………… 😜
      CRAZY being celebrated.

    2. Eddie Gilliam

      Army Captain I agree with you. Some people have messed up minds

  2. Forrest Gump

    The idiot contradicted himself here: ““Most people don’t know, though is that my dog, much like myself, was assigned male at birth. However, we are both girls. Here’s our friendly reminder that gender is a human-made construct that is not based in reality. ” How nutty can you get. Stupid is as stupid does.

    1. Emmanuel T.

      He He He He….. I meant that as a laugh but I’m also triggering the “she” “trans” insanity.

  3. British Citizen

    To answer Gen. Satterfield’s question, “Is this a British thing?” I wish I could say NO but it is showing the insane part of our culture of tolerance. Cheers!

  4. Wellington McBeth👀

    New subscriber here. Love your blog. I signed up because my wife said to take a look at your site.

  5. Ernest

    Trans Dog? Looks like this “trans”, quotes because it is not real, is crazy as a loon and is projecting his sickness onto everything else. Next in line will be trans cars, trans houses, trans streets, and trans hair. Gotta love the stupidity that weak men (yes, men not women) have allowed to happen.

    1. Tracey Brockman

      Ha, you said it Ernest. These are crazies but more. The real problem is not that they are crazy because the world has always had crazies. The problem is allowing them to interfere with normal life. My recommendation is we put them into a combat unit and send them to a warzone to fight with a rifle. Being in the Infantry will either straighten them out to see reality or they will die. That choice forces them to see the real world and stop living in their self-imposed fantisy world.


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