Nazi Kill-the-Jews Protests on Campus

[May 2, 2024] Scandals come and go, history gets ignored, but the Nazi Kill-the-Jews protests across the world and on American college campuses will continue to be energetic, inflammatory, violent, foreign and domestically-funded, and fully supported by radical leftists in the U.S. government, the Woke social media and many American institutions.  Those in the American government who have sworn to protect and defend Americans against all enemies, foreign and domestic, have failed in their fiduciary duty to halt the violent anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas, kill-the-Jews protests.  Some will argue that protests and associated violence (not really violence, they say) is protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  That is, of course, a simpleton’s reading and it means no such thing.

After weeks of “protests,” some law-and-order communities have allowed their police forces to finally do their jobs, well, with their hands tied behind their backs and treating the pro-Hamas leaders with kit gloves.  “Please step into our police van for processing.  No handcuffs, please.”  The protestors at Columbia, MIT, Princeton, Harvard, and a slew of other elite universities are getting their way and their way is to send a clear message to America and the world that there is no place for Jews.  These are the same folks who use professional agitators in the past BLM and Antifa riots.  The students are mostly lemmings following their leaders lockstep, like the Nazi Hitler-Youths of the early 20th century.  How’d that work out for us?

Let me be clear about the FBI, the nation’s premier law enforcement agency. They are sitting on their hands doing nothing at all.  Why?  Because those protesting in kill-the-Jews fashion are on their side, the partisan side of American leftists who want to destroy traditional America and turn it into something like Adolf imagined in his Mein Kampf.  Those who are running the protests are taking Hitler literally and following his ideology, but with a small twist.  The twist is that any thing that is done against America is acceptable because it opposes the oppressive nature of the West.  Once America falls, the West will fall in a domino-like fashion, much to the delight of these Nazi Hitler youths.

Make no bones about this scandal of the universities, it would be a mistake to think this is over or calming down with graduation only two weeks away.  The quisling-leadership of these universities, often headed by indecisive women, are doing more than standing down their efforts to stop the protests, they are actively encouraging them to continue.  The few arrests that have been made are primarily of the rank-and-file, clueless stooges who yell and scream and throw things at the police, harass Jewish students, and demand they be allowed to run the university policies on Israel.  Remember these are the young adults, complicit with university administrators and professors who celebrate the Hamas terrorists who butchered and burned babies, raped women, tortured children, and executed hostages.  This means that either they are clueless, mentally crazy, or something more sinister.  They are Evil incarnate.

Sadly, these students and their outside supporters will suffer no real consequences.  They are calling for genocide of the Jews and support any program, any method, any stance, regardless of how violent or evil it may be, to remove Jews from the world.  And they believe strongly in their moral superiority, and that they will be held up as saviors of the world by riding it of Jews.  This kind of immoral thinking is worse than dangerous, it is insidious and hard to extinguish.  The echoes of this anti-Semite ideology will last for many years to come.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Delf A. "Jelly" Bryce

Biography: Delf A. “Jelly” Bryce is a recently-retired senior agent of the United States’ FBI. The name used here, however, is not his real name because what he tells us might be confidential in nature (although not classified). But since he is revealing information that can be embarrassing to the FBI, he does not want to be personally identified and to harm his friends still working there. What I am allowed to say is that Agent Bryce was born in Oklahoma and is an expert shot with his service pistol.

26 thoughts on “Nazi Kill-the-Jews Protests on Campus

  1. Harry Donner

    We live in a bizarre world. Thank you Mr. Bryce for telling it like it is.

    1. Unwoke Dude

      RED, wonderful to hear from you again. I just wanted to note that we miss you and, of course, we are huge fans. Of course, also Mr. Bryce. We are looking forward to your next article as well. Please Please Please write us another article, they are so “hard hitting”. And, this article is the kind of ‘smash them in the face’ stuff we love to read. My motto is crush the woke.

  2. Mike Baker

    ” And they believe strongly in their moral superiority, and that they will be held up as saviors of the world by riding it of Jews. This kind of immoral thinking is worse than dangerous, it is insidious and hard to extinguish. The echoes of this anti-Semite ideology will last for many years to come.” – Mr. Delf A. “Jelly” Bryce

    Ouch. this is a hard-hitting comment. Sir, you are to be commended.

  3. Tony B. Custer

    Our tax money goes to law enforcement agencies at the federal government and what do we get from it? Zip.

  4. mainer

    Mr. Bryce, thank you so much for your hard-hitting piece on the Nazis on college campuses in America. Their biggest problem, IMHO, is that the “leadership” at the universities have failed and at each one that had a woman as president is where the failure was greatest. is there a pattern here? Yes!!! Will anyone point out that pattern? No, or they will be called a misogynist and fear the label. So we have a mix of fear, cowardice, pandering, and stupidity all bound together into an evil mix.

    1. Randy Goodman

      mainer, great comment and analysis. Thanks for that. I agree and yes I too see the pattern. 👍

      1. Wesley Brown

        Don’t be surprised. And, Mr. Bryce, it is great to finally see you writing again for We all missed your comments and thoughts and please continue contributing. But what I get from your article is that the FBI and DOJ have failed too in their duties. Of course they would fail. That is why they exist today, to attack parents going before school boards, practicing Catholics, Christians, conservatives, and those who support their families. The FBI needs to be totally dismantled and let us start over with a patriotic organization. Just my thinking. Thanks again, Mr. Bryce.

  5. corralesdon

    Carol Folt, president of the University of Southern California, tweeted out this: I had a second meeting today with the same group from the encampment. We brought some very specific proposals that would address concerns they had about the endowment, which they have said is one of their most important issues.

    Proof that women should not be in charge of any large institution. A man would have had the protestors occupying campus buildings and camping in the open, arrested and jailed. Nuff said. Pow.

  6. Jonnie the Bart

    Scary comment:
    “Sadly, these students and their outside supporters will suffer no real consequences. They are calling for genocide of the Jews and support any program, any method, any stance, regardless of how violent or evil it may be, to remove Jews from the world. And they believe strongly in their moral superiority, and that they will be held up as saviors of the world by riding it of Jews. This kind of immoral thinking is worse than dangerous, it is insidious and hard to extinguish. The echoes of this anti-Semite ideology will last for many years to come.” – Mr. Bryce

    1. Bryan Z. Lee

      Right on, Jonnie. Don’t these University Presidents have any balls? Oh, yeah, they don’t.

      1. Ice Man

        Ha Ha, nope they don’t literally and figuratively.

  7. Nick Lighthouse

    ” Once America falls, the West will fall in a domino-like fashion, much to the delight of these Nazi Hitler youths.” – Mr. Delf A. “Jelly” Bryce
    Nailed it.

  8. Patriot Wife

    Wow, Jelly, we were hoping that you someday wrote about what is obvious to the average, hard working citizen of America, that these protestors (not really protestors but agitators) are after destroying America. They come for the Jews first (supported by Democrats) because Jews are a small minority. Then they will come for the Whites (supported by Democrats), and then they come for the intellectuals and working people (supported by Democrats) and then there will be nobody to stop them. STOP THE CRAZY. Should be obvious but WOMEN are running these universities and they are unable to handle the job. Kick them out now. Be an American Patriot and let’s do our job as citizens.

    1. Kevin Cratz

      Right!!!! If they are not citizens, immediately deport them. First to jail overnight, and then on a plane to anywhere but inside America. They get to take nothing with them.

      1. Mikka Solarno

        Ha Ha, love it. Actual real people here with common sense.

  9. Jessica Acia

    And the FBI does what? Nothing? No, the FBI supports and protests the Kill-the-Jew movement.

    1. Tom Bushmaster

      Pretty strong claims there Jessica. We all know the FBI and the DOJ are nowhere to be found, just like in the Antifa and BLM rioting a few years ago. that is why, I believe the ultimately Bryce is writing about this today. We have a failed criminal justice system and it will never be fixed as long as Joe Biden remains president. That is why it is important that he lose this upcoming election. Law and Order should be the rule, not the exception.

      1. Maximilian Krämer

        True enough Tom but the point is that the FBI has failed to do its job. And the real question is why?

      2. Robo Cop II

        Jessica is making an excellent point, where is the FBI? What are they doing? We see nothing, hear nothing. What’s up with that? 😒 A sad state of affairs when the “premier” law enforcement agency with the mission and authority to do something about the terrorism on campuses, just stands by and does nothing.


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