[February 22, 2014] Newly-elected New York City Major Bill de Blasio is neither a hero nor is he a real leader. Yesterday I wrote about a real hero and leader of the Korean War. In comparison, I am saying the NYC mayor is no hero and certainly lacks leader qualities?
Heroes do heroic things that greatly help their nation. Leaders lead in a number of ways, one way being to “lead by example.” NYC Mayor de Blasio is content to use politics to exempt himself and his friends from the basic rules that he establishes for others to follow.
The mayor recently announced an aggressive plan to prevent traffic deaths. His “caravan” was caught (on camera) violating several traffic laws; running stop signs, speeding, changing lanes without a signal, and other breaches of simple rules.
The real problem here is that he at first refused to answer questions about it, then stormed out of a press conference when asked about it; and then when he did speak about, he excused the behavior. Here was an opportunity for him to display some leadership by him simply apologizing for his driver’s error and promising to be more careful in the future.
An opportunity to be a leader was lost.
This comes after a number of snow removal disasters in the city to include where he was accused of selectively providing snow plows to those areas only friendly to him.
Real leaders do not do this. Real heroes do not do this.