North Korea and Evil

By | June 26, 2023

[June 26, 2023]  Yesterday was the 73rd anniversary of the invasion of South Korea by their communist North Korea: June 25, 1950.  And while that was many decades ago, this regime still demonstrates what Evil is like, if only we look into the abyss that is a nation.  We call North Korea the Hermit Kingdom and for a good reason.

It has been said that when leaders ignore or appease evil throughout human history, it means to invite even more evil.  We see this in the schoolyard bully who continues his bad behavior despite the disapproval of but not punished by teachers and administrators.  The case of the rogue regime of North Korea is a classic example of political leaders from nations both ignoring and appeasing a regime that strives to be the schoolyard bully acting without consequences.

Much has been written about evil, what it is, what it is not, and the debate over how humans encourage or discourage evil.  Philosophers over time have pointed to various military and political leaders who are evil … at least according to our modern standards of behavior.  Those like Caligula, Vlad Dracula, Mao Zedong, and Ivan the Terrible are just a few of the more infamous among us humans that show the depravity of man and the lengths they will go to harm and destroy others.

North Korea is no special case.  If we were to look earlier into the 20th Century, nations like the NK were typical rather than an exception to the rule like today.  While we may brood and wring our hands over Kim Jong Un, the leader of NK, his leadership methodology was once commonplace among nations.  Except for nuclear and chemical weapons, 100 years ago, he would not have marked a footnote in history texts, given his weaknesses.

For humans, war does solve problems.  It is not the preferred method of conflict resolution, but when done correctly, it is a somewhat permanent solution that solves big problems and saves lives.  An excellent example of the failure to intervene in evil is how Europe failed to stop Adolf Hitler and his regime until it was too late.  European leaders feared the loss of lives if they were to intervene.  Later, only war solved that problem, and the cost was more destruction.

North Korea is evil.  Let us use them as a case of what evil can do when tolerated and supported by other nations.  Their evil continues.  Their destruction of the family, religion, and freedom of their people is legendary.  For those who look to  North Korea as an example of a thriving and prosperous nation, consider yourself deluded.  The rest of us can move on, knowing that those who support and defend NK are themselves part of the world’s problem.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

15 thoughts on “North Korea and Evil

  1. Patriot Wife

    USA USA USA. Oh, I hope the FBI and DOJ don’t come after me for being an American Patriot because they see us patriots as a threat to democracy. What a bunch of clowns the FBI and DOJ are……. just noting this for a friend.

      1. Willie Strumburger

        “Yes … I’m a flag-waving American Patriot. My 40 years in the U.S. Army did not make me a patriot. Growing up in a patriotic family did not make me a patriot. I’m a patriot because I lived half my life overseas in 20 foreign countries, on four continents, which made me a patriot. With my own eyes, I saw what it is like to live in nations that do not respect the individual; America is the only place that does.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield. Says it all.

    1. Liz at Home

      Smiling along with you P. Wife!!!! Oh, if those reading these pages want to support another true blue patriot, then get a copy of Gen. Satterfield’s books and leave a comment on Amazon. I hope that Gen. Satterfield soon spreads out beyond Amazon onto GoodReads, etc.

      1. Jack of all Trades

        We all love this website put together by Gen. Satterfield. He deserves much attention folks, so spread the word. Oh, Gen. S., thank you for rreminding us that yesterday was the 73rd anniversary of the start of the Korean war.

  2. Chuck USA

    Did You Know?
    Of the troops sent to help South Korea, about 90% were from the United States.
    More than 40 countries of the UN sent troops, equipment, or other aid to South Korea.
    More than half of the deaths in the Korean War were of civilians, constituting a higher civilian death rate than in either World War II or the Vietnam War.

    1. Kenny Foster

      Most folks don’t know anything about this war and it was more similar to the Ukraine War than any we have seen in the last 200 years.

  3. Fred Weber

    The 73rd Anniversary of the Korean War. And its evil continues.

  4. British Citizen

    Gen. Satterfield has written about evil a number of times. Perhaps it is time for us to review those articles.

  5. Janice Williamson

    Today, in our schools and our government, we promote and celebrate evil in its many forms. Take a look at the woke ideology that encourages sexual deviancy and the mutilation of children.

    1. Dead Pool Guy

      Janice, you are spot on with that comment and those who cannot see the evil are fully absorbed into Evil (with a capital “E”).

      1. Nick Lighthouse

        Nailed it, DPG. Thanks and good to hear from you again. We need more folks who know what EVIL is and what EVIL does to people. Anyone who would like to see it in action, just go to a school board meeting where they are hiding sexual deviance and encouraging it without parental permission.

        1. Frontier Man

          … just another reason to read this blog and read Gen. Satterfield’s books esp the latest one “55 Rules for a Good Life.” Read it and comment, folks.


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