Enabling Failure in Institutions

By | November 8, 2023

[November 8, 2023]  We’ve all seen supervisors who give excuses for employees who are failures in their jobs.  Like the alcoholic whose family enables the alcoholic’s drinking behavior, leaders are also enabling failure in other leaders. Whatever the reason or excuse, there is an emerging trend in U.S. institutions where leaders fail to take quick, effective action to… Read More »

Why Veterans Day is so Unsatisfying?

By | November 4, 2023

[November 4, 2023] Why is Veterans Day so unsatisfying?  I have often thought about this question since I retired from the Army.  No, I will not dismiss Veterans Day as a self-congratulatory holiday.  However, to answer that question is not for the faint of heart because the answer forces us to expose the underbelly of American traditions, the… Read More »

Hero: SA Quentin Smythe

By | October 24, 2023

[October 24, 2023]  This is a true hero from South Africa.  Sgt Quentin Smythe won the Victoria Cross in the Western Desert.  This is the highest military decoration awarded for valor “in the face of the enemy” to members of the British Armed Forces and various Commonwealth countries (of which South Africa is one). Upon the outbreak of… Read More »