All the Great Men I’ve Known

By | February 15, 2023

[February 15, 2023]   All the great men I’ve known had a remarkable capacity for controlled aggression.  That aggression was closely contained so they could use it carefully when needed.  And in doing so, they gave them dignity, which made others around them respect them. Many suspect those men were tough, experienced, intelligent military men, but that is not… Read More »

Uses & Abuses of Military History

By | February 7, 2023

[February 7, 2023]  My favorite military historian Victor Davis Hanson has a recent article on the uses and abuses of military history.  Once again, he is turning our heads toward a better understanding of our responsibility to encourage learning about war so we don’t repeat past mistakes. “War accelerates and intensifies the human experience.” Military history is based… Read More »

Rights and Responsibilities

By | January 19, 2023

[January 19, 2023]  In our modern world, we are constantly fed a diet of rights and impulsive freedoms and have done so for so long that there is starvation for the other side of the story.  Since the 1960s, all we’ve had is a singular dialogue about “rights.”  In fact, there are no “rights” without corresponding responsibilities. This… Read More »