The Female Hero Myth

By | December 23, 2022

[December 23, 2022]  Modern movies are awful.  They often have a “female hero” (the perfect hero without flaw, fear, or blemish) substituting for the male hero, who traditionally rides in to save the day.  These modern movies have failed at the box office.  I’m not surprised at all.  Here is something to think about, something about the real… Read More »

Say What You Have to Say

By | December 15, 2022

[December 15, 2022]  If you are being required to do things that make you weak and ashamed … then stop, don’t do them.  One of the critical messages from Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn and Victor E. Frankl was that things could go terribly out of control when people don’t stop them when they’re mildly out of control.  Many of… Read More »

Power of the Truth

By | November 22, 2022

[November 22, 2022]  The ancient sages of the past gave us some darn good advice, and that is, “find your own words.”  And, if those are truthful words, then there is nothing that can stop you.  The power of the truth rings throughout all cultures and at all times. Are you a sovereign individual?  Or not?  If you… Read More »