On Being Consistent

By | October 15, 2022

[October 15, 2022]  It has been some time now since I added a “characteristic” for leaders.  How I overlooked this one – an important one at that – is still a mystery.  Being consistent as a leader is crucial for a number of reasons that I will address below. In the Deep South back in the 1950s, baseball… Read More »

What is a Woman?

By | October 10, 2022

[October 10, 2022]  Confusion over one’s gender has grown from a small part of “deviant” Western culture into a massive wave of fad, fashion, and art.  Everyone seems to be on board the transgender train hurdling down the tracks to an end that no one can rightfully envision but will undoubtedly result in a crash.  Not many folks… Read More »

Principles of The Cowboy Code

By | October 5, 2022

[October 5, 2022]  My wife and I have been watching several shows that cater to those interested in the lives of cowboys.  One recent show, Ultimate Cowboy Showdown (2019 – current), is a competition that judges who is the “best cowboy.”  Both men and women compete.  In this competition, we see the cowboy code on display and the… Read More »

Putting the Structure Into Place To Help Military Kids Thrive

By | September 24, 2022

[September 24, 2022]  The life of military kids can be an exciting and varied one, but it also has the potential to be unhappy. According to public media advocates The American Homefront Project, research has shown that the frequent moves that military teens are subjected to can develop isolation and harm their mental health. It’s a fairly common tale; a new… Read More »

A Tribute to Daddy

By | September 21, 2022

[September 21, 2022]  Two days ago, my dad passed away at 93.  He is now with his wife Mary of 71 years (and my mother), who passed away a mere two weeks ago.  My heart is broken, but it would be ungrateful to think, even for a minute, “Why me?” when I was privileged to have Daddy until… Read More »